The Kobzar of the Ukraine/Prayers
Prayer I.

TO Tsars and kings
who tax the world,
Send dollars and ducats,
And fetters well-forged.
To toiling heads and toiling hands,
Laboring on these stolen lands
Endurance and strength.
To me, my God, on this sad earth,
Give me but love,
the heart's paradise
And nothing more.

Prayer II.

MY prayer for the Tsars,
These traffickers in blood,
That Thou on them would'st put
Fetters of iron, in dungeons deep.
My prayer for the peoples
toiling long,
Do Thou to them
on their ravaged lands,
Send down Thy strength
most merciful One.
And for the pure in heart
Grant angel guards beside them,
To keep them pure.
And for myself, Oh Lord,
I ask nought else
But truth on earth to love,
And one true friend
to love me.

Prayer III.

FOR those that have done wrong to me,
No longer do I fetters ask,
Nor dungeons deep.
For hands that faithful toil for good
Send Thy instructions' gracious aid,
And Holy strength.
For tender ones,
the pure in heart
Do Thou, Oh God,
their virtue save
With angel's guard.
For all Thy children on this earth
May they Thy wisdom
know alike,
In brother love.

Prayer IV.

TO those of the ever-greedy eyes,
Gods of earth, The Tsars,
Are the ploughs and the ships,
And all good things of earth
For these little gods.
To toiling hands,
To toiling brains
Is given to plough the barren field,
To think, to sow, and take no rest
And reap the fields anon.
Such the reward of toiling hands.
For the true-hearted lowly ones,
Peace-loving saints,
Oh, Creator of heaven and earth,
Give long life on earth,
And paradise beyond.
All good things of earth
Are for these gods, the Tsars,
Ploughs and ships,
All wealth of earth
For us—good lack!
Is left to love our brothers.