The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 1
1 A is the starting-point of the world of sound: even so is the Great Original the starting-point of all that exists.
2 Of what avail is all thy learning if thou worship not the holy feet of Him of the perfect intelligence ?
3 Whoso taketh refuge in the sacred feet of Him whose walk is among flowers, his days will be many upon the earth.
4 Behold the men who cleave unto the feet of Him who is beyond preference and beyond aversion: the ills of life touch them not ever.
5 Behold the men who sing earnestly the praises of the Lord: they will be freed from the pain-engendering fruits of action both good and evil.[1]
6 Behold the men who follow the righteous ways of Him who hath burned away the desires of the five senses: their days will be many upon the earth.
7 They alone escape from sorrow who take refuge in the feet of Him who hath no equal.
8 The stormy seas of wealth and sense delights cannot be traversed except by those who cling to the feet of the Sage who is the Ocean of Righteousness.
9 Worthless indeed like the organs of sense which do not perceive is the head that boweth not at the feet of Him who is endowed with the eight attributes.2
10 They alone cross the ocean of births and deaths who take refuge in the feet of the Lord: the others traverse it not.

- ↑ This and similar figures refer to the notes at the end of the book.