The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 20
191. Behold the man that angereth the public by the speaking of vain words: he will be despised of all men.
192. Worse even than injuring one's friends is the speaking of vain words before many.
193. He that multiplieth empty words declareth loud his want of worth.
194. Behold the man that speaketh vain words in an assembly: no profit will come unto him and all that is good will flee from his side.
195. Even the worthy will lose honour and respect if they indulge in vain speaking.
196. Call not him man who loveth idle words: call him rather a chaff among men.
197. Let the wise, if they deem it meet, speak even hard words : but it is good for them to desist from profitless speech.
198. The wise whose thoughts are set on great questions utter not words that are profitless and vain.
199. They whose eyes are whole say not vain words even by oversight.
200. Speak thou the speech that bringeth forth profit : but speak not ever words that are profitless and vain.