The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 25
241. The chiefest wealth is a heart that is rich in mercy : for material wealth is found even in the hands of vile men.
242. Reason by the right method and take up Mercy : and if thou inquire of all religions also, thou shalt see that Mercy is the only salvation.
243. They enter not into the dark and bitter world whose heart is joined unto mercy.
244. The results of actions at which the soul trembleth pursue not him who is kind and merciful to all life.
245. Affliction is not for the merciful : the teeming air-encircled earth is a witness thereto.
246. Behold the man that hath forsaken mercy and doth iniquity : though he must have suffered cruelly in past births for abandoning virtue, he hath forgotten the lesson, say the wise.
247. The other world is not for those that have not mercy, even as this world is not for them that are without riches.
248. The poor in substance may one day thrive and prosper : but they that lack pity are poor indeed and their day cometh never.
249. It is as easy for the hard of heart to do deeds of righteousness as for the confused in mind to realise the Truth.
250. When thou art tempted to oppress the weak, consider how it would be for thee to tremble before a stronger.