The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 43
421. The understanding is an armour against all surprise : it is a fortress which even enemies cannot storm.
422. It is the understanding that curbeth the senses from roving about, keepeth them from evil, and directeth them towards the Good.
423. To separate the true from the false in every utterance, whoever it be that speaketh, that is the part of a wise understanding.
424. What he speaketh, the wise man speaketh so as to be understood by all : and from the lips of others he gathereth their subtle meanings.
425. The wise man is sociable with all the world : and his temper is ever even, expanding not nor contracting to excess.
426. It is a part of wisdom to conform to the ways of the world.
427. The man of understanding knoweth what is coming : but the fool foreseeth not what is before.
428. It is folly to rush headlong into danger : it is the part of the wise to fear what ought to be feared.
429. Behold the man of foresight who is armed for every contingency: he will never know the blow that causeth trembling.
430. He that hath understanding hath everything: but the fool though he possess everything hath nothing.