The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 47
461. Take into thy consideration the output and the wastage and the profit that the undertaking will yield: and then put thy hand to it.
462. Behold the prince who decideth upon action only after consulting with men chosen for their worth: there is nothing that is impossible for him.
463. There are enterprises that tempt with a great profit but which perish even the capital itself: the wise undertake them not.
464. Behold the men who fear to be ridiculed by others: they start not on any enterprise without previous deliberation.
465. To make war without planning every detail of it beforehand is only to transplant thy enemy on carefully prepared soil.
466. There are things that ought not to be done and if thou do them thou wilt be ruined : and there are things that ought to be done and if thou do them not thou will be ruined also.
467. Decide not upon any action except after careful deliberation : it is a fool who undertaketh first and sayeth in his heart, I shall think afterwards.
468. Behold the man that goeth not to his work the right way about: all his labour will be a waste even if numbers come to his aid.
469. Even in doing good thou mayest err, it thou suit not the benefit to the character of him that receiveth.
470. Let the thing that thou decidest on be above reproach : for the world despiseth the man who stoopeth to a thing that is beneath himself.