The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 53
521. Constancy of attachment even in adversity belongeth only unto kindred.
522. If a man is blessed with kindred whose love for him bateth not, his fortunes will never cease to grow.
523. The man who rejoiceth not in the intimacy of his kindred is like a tank without bunds : the waters of prosperity will flow away from him.
524. To gather and attach one's kindred to oneself : that is the use and purpose of prosperity.
525. If a man have a sweet tongue and a liberal hand his kinsmen will gather round him in serried ranks.
526. Behold the man that giveth freely and entertaineth not anger: the world hath none who hath a more attached kindred than he.
527. The crow concealeth not its food selfishly from its fellows but shareth it lovingly with them: prosperity will abide only with men of a like nature.
528. It is good if the prince treateth not all his kinsmen alike but hath a graduated scale for each : for there are many that have an eye to privilege.
529. The estrangement of a kinsman is easily remedied : remove the cause of the coolness and he will come back to thee.
530. When a kinsman that hath broken with thee cometh back to thee for a reason, accept thou him, but with caution.