The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 6
51. She is the good helpmate who possesseth every wifely virtue and spendeth not above her husband's means.
52. All other blessings turn to nought if the wife faileth in wifely virtues.
53. Where is indigence if the wife is worthy ? and where is riches is worth is not in her ?
54. What is there that is grander than woman, when she is strong in the strength of her chastity ?
55. Behold the woman who worshippeth not other Gods but worshippeth her husband even as she riseth from bed : the rain-cloud obeyeth her commands.
56. She is the good housewife who guardeth her virtue and her reputation, and tendeth her husband with loving care.
57. Of what avail is close confinement? It is her own continence that is the best guardian of a woman's virtue.
58. Behold the woman who hath begotten a worthy son : her place is high in the world of the Gods
59. Behold the man whose home beareth not an honourable reputation: the proud lion-like walk in the sight of detractors is denied him
60. The chiefest blessing is an honourable home : and its crowning glory is worthy offspring.