The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 67
661. Greatness of achievement is nought else but the greatness of the will that striveth therefor: all other things come not near the mark.
662. To avoid all action that is bound to fail and not to turn away from one's purpose because of obstacles : these two are said to be the guiding principles of the wise.
663. The man of action letteth his purpose appear only when that purpose is achieved : for an untimely disclosure would create obstacles that cannot be surmounted.
664. To say a thing is easy for any man : but to do it in the manner undertaken is a rare thing indeed.
665. Behold the man who hath acquired a name for the doing of great deeds : his services will be greatly in request with the prince and will be esteemed by all.
666. That which they will, men acquire even in the manner that they will, provided they will with all their might.
667. Despise not a man for his look : for there are men who are even as the axle pin of the mighty rolling car.
668. When thou hast resolved upon a thing with all thy wits about thee, waver not but pursue thy purpose with vigour.
669. Take up the doing of works that increase happiness: and even if thou have to suffer cruel mortification in the doing of them, steel thy heart and persevere to the end.
670. Behold the men that have not the ambition to do great deeds : the world will not care for them whatever their other virtues may be.