The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 76
751. There is nothing like wealth to lend so much consequence to men of no consequence.
752. The indigent are decried by all : but every one exalteth the man of substance.
753. The unflickering light called wealth lighteth up all dark places unto him that possesseth it.
754. Behold the substance that is acquired by means that are not evil : righteous-ness floweth therefrom and happiness also.
755. Affect not the substance that is divorced from mercy and kindliness, and touch it not with thy hands.
756. Escheats and derelicts, customs duties, and prize acquired in war, all these contribute to build up the wealth of the prince.
757. Compassion which is the child of Love requireth for tending it the kindly nurse called Wealth.
758. Behold the wealthy man who taketh an enterprise on hand: he is like one who watcheth an elephant-fight from the top of a hill.[1]
759. Amass wealth : for there is no sharper steel to cleave thy foeman's pride.
760. Behold the man that hath laid up for himself wealth in great profusion : both the other objects of life[2] are within his reach.