The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 83
821. The friendship that an enemy pretendeth is only an anvil whereon to hammer thee when he seeth his opportunity.
822. Behold the men who look like friends but are enemies at heart: their friendship will alter even as the heart of a woman.
823. Even if his studies are great and godly, it is impossible for an enemy to cast off the hate in his heart.
824. Fear thou the hypocritical ruffians that smile to the face but nurse their spite within their bosom.
825. Behold the men whose hearts are not with thee: though their words tempt thee, place not the slightest faith in them.
826. An enemy will be revealed in a moment though he speak the tender language of friendship.
827. Trust not an enemy though he bendeth low in his speech : for the bending of the bow forebodeth nothing but harm.
828. Even in his joined hands thy enemy will have a weapon concealed : nor put thou more faith in his tears.
829. Behold the men that make much of thee in public but laugh thee to scorn in secret : humour thou them openly but crush them even in the embrace of friendship.
830. When thou canst not yet break openly with thy foe, feign friendship to his face but keep him off from thy heart.