The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 86
851. The spirit of defiance is the peccant humour which developpeth in all men the distemper called hate.
852. Even when thy neighbour injureth thee with the deliberate purpose of picking a quarrel, even then it is best not to harbour vengeance or return the injury.
853. The habit of defying others is verily a grievous malady: if a man freeth himself from it, he will acquire everlasting fame.
854. The highest joys will be within thy reach if thou reject from thy heart that greatest of evils, the defiant spirit.
855. Who can desire the overthrow of the man who hath the talent to avoid hostilities?
856. Behold the man who taketh delight in breathing defiance against his neighbours: it will not be long before he doth stumble and fall.
857. Behold the prince of spiteful nature who is ever addicted to strife: he will be blind to the policy that advanceth nations.
858. The avoiding of strife leadeth unto prosperity : but if thou allow it to grow apace, ruin will not lag far behind.
859. When fortune is about to smile on a man he will ignore all provocation : but when Destiny hath decreed him ruin, he will set no bounds to his defiance of his neighbours.
860. From defiance springeth all that is bitter : but good will yieldeth the glorious fruit of peace and harmony.