The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 89
881. Even groves and fountains give no joy if they breed disease : even so kinsmen too are an abomination when they seek one's ruin.
882. Fear not the foe that is like the naked sword: but beware of the enemy that cometh as a friend.
883. Guard thyself against the secret enemy: for in the moment of embarrassment he will cut thee clean like the potter's steel.
884. If thou have an enemy that masqueradeth about as thy friend, he will soon corrupt thy kindred and bring down a multitude of evils on thy head.
885. When a kinsman turneth traitor against thee, he will bring on thee a multitude of evils and jeopardise thy very life.
886. When treachery invadeth the entourage of the prince, it is impossible that he falleth not a prey to it one day or other.
887. The house that is divided against itself is like a vessel that is fitted with a lid : though it appeareth to be a single unit, it will never make a united whole.
888. Behold the house that is divided against itself: it will crumble to dust even like a piece of iron that is filed with a file.
889. Though the split be small even like a slit in a sesamum seed, ruin hangeth over the house that is divided against itself.
890. Behold the man who mixeth on intimate terms with one who hateth him in his heart : he is like one dwelling in a hut with a cobra for his companion.