The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 97
961. Forbear from those things that would lower thee, even though they should be indispensable for the very preservation of thy life.
962. Behold the men that desire to leave an honoured name behind them : they will not do that which is not right even for the sake of glory.
963. Cultivate modesty in the day of prosperity : but in the day of thy decline hold fast to thy dignity.
964. Behold the men that have soiled a name that was honourable : they are even as the locks of hair that have been shaven off the head and thrown away.
965. Even men who are grand as a mountain will look small if they do an ignoble thing, though it should be only of the measure of a kunri seed.
966. It bringeth not glory, neither doth it open the way unto heaven: why then doth a man try to live by fawning on men that despise him ?
967. It is better for a man to meet his doom at once without any ado than to maintain himself by hanging on to those that scorn him.
968. Is the skin immortal, that men desire to save it even at the cost of honour ?
969. The kavarima giveth up its life when it loseth its wool : there are men who are as sensitive and they put an end to their lives when they cannot save their honour.
970. Behold the men of honour who refuse to outlive their good name: the world will join its hands and worship at the altar of their glory.