The Life and Voyages of Captain James Cook/To the King
To the King.
As the first Life of Captain Cook was dedicated to Your Majesty's Royal Father, the illustrious Patron of Navigation and Science, it is fit that this new history of that renowned Seaman, should be dedicated to a Sovereign, who has known by experience the duties and enjoyments, the hardships and perils, of a seafaring life; who is feelingly alive to whatever concerns the welfare of the British Navy, ready to crown with distinction the eminent Commanders of the present day, and to honour the memory of former Navigators, whose names shine bright in the annals of their country.
In availing myself of Your Majesty's gracious permission to dedicate this work to my revered and beloved Sovereign, I may be allowed to express a hope, that the brilliant example of heroism, patience, loyalty, patriotism, and benevolence, which it exhibits, may prove useful to various classes of Your Majesty's subjects, especially that class to whom Your Majesty's name must be peculiarly dear.
That the naval, commercial, and general interests of Your Majesty's Empire may continue to flourish; and that the reign of Your Majesty may be long, peaceful, and glorious, is the ardent wish of
- Your Majesty's most devoted servant,
- and loyal subject,
- and loyal subject,
Whitby, Dec, 1st, 1835.