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The Life of Benvenuto Cellini/Index

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Benvenuto Cellini2491963The Life of Benvenuto Cellini — Index1863John Addington Symonds

Acciaiuoli, Carlo, Master of the Mint at Florence, i. 294.
Accolti, Benedetto, Cardinal of Ravenna, i. 172 ; ii. 109.
"Age of the Despots," a synonym for the Italian Renaissance, i. 8.
Agnolo, Giulian di Baccio d ii. 283, 312.
Agnolo, Giuliano d', ii. 312.
Agnolo, Michel, a Sienese sculptor, i. 145, 148, 151.
Agostino, tailor to the Duke of Florence, i. 318.
Alamanni, Luigi, poet, i. 191, 198; ii. 88-91, 114, 147.
Albizzi, Girolamo degli, ii. 305; mediates between Cellini and the Duke of Florence, ii. 305.
Albret, Henri d', ii. 124.
Aldobrandini, Bertino, i. 188, 210, 215n.
Aleotti, Giovanni, Master of the Wardrobe to Pope Clement VII., i. 240.
Alicorno, Traiano, chamberlain to Pope Clement VII., i. 199, 201, 241, 276.
Allegretti, Antonio, poet, i. 207, 303, 307.
Allori, Angelo (II Bronzino), painter, ii. 309; writes sonnets on Cellini's Perseus, ii. 295, 309.
Altoviti, Bindo, Tuscan Consul at Rome, ii. 269-271 ;
Cellini's bust of, xx, xxi, i. 53.
Alvarez, Pietro, of Toledo, Viceroy of Naples, i. 265.
Amalfi, Duke of, ii. 99.
Ambruogio, secretary to Pope Paul III., i. 304.
Amerigo, a Florentine enameller, i. 135.
Ammanato, Bartolommeo, sculptor, ii. 315, 323, 324,332.
Ancestry, Cellini's, i. 73.
Angelica, the Sicilian, Cellini's inamorata, i. 40, 250, 252, 253, 257, 263, 266.
Angelo, Michel. See Buonarroti, Michel Angelo.
Anguillara, Count of, i. 144; ii. 138.
Anguillotto of Lucca, i. 210.
Annebault, Claude d', Admiral of France, ii. 180, 189.
Antea, Signora, a Roman courtesan, i. 218.
Anterigoli, Piermaria (Lo Sbietta), ii. 325 ; Cellini buys a farm from, ii. 325; attempts to poison Cellini, ii. 331;
succeeds in swindling Cellini, ii. 340.
Antonio, Cellini's music-teacher, i. 88.
Apollo and Hyacinth, Cellini's unfinished statue, ii. 253.
Apostolic Camera, books of the, i. 31 ; ii. 9 ; jewels of the, i. 179; ii. 9.
Architecture, Cellini's discourse on, i. 46.
Arno, the gate of, Cellini gets commission to build, ii. 283.
Arsago, Pagolo, Cellini works with, i. 103.
Ascanio, apprentice to Cellini, i. 336-341, 347, 348, 354; ii. 19-21, 87, 92, 93, 96-99, 104, 109, 110, 114, 116-118, 122, 154, 188, 200, 201, 218; his misconduct, i. 338.
Ashbee, C. R., translator of Cellini's "Trattati," xii.
Assafetida, used in necromancy, i. 254, 255.
Aureole rests on Cellini's head, i. 23 ; ii. 76; observations of H. D. Pearsall on, i. 23 n.
Autobiography, Cellini's, his greatest achievement, xxiv; its value as a picture-gallery of the writer's day, xxiv; Symonds's translation the best that has ever been produced, xxv ; not free from boasting and exaggeration, xxvi ; its artlessness and dramatic reality, xxvii ; trans- lated into German by Goethe, i. 5, 58 ; its perennial freshness, i. 5 ; a valuable record for the student of human nature, i. 6 ; its power of fascination akin to that of the classic romances, i. 6 ; its peculiar success due to two circumstances, i. 6 ; its literary merits, i. 43 ; its humour, i. 44 ; vivacity and elasticity of its style, i. 45 ; circulated in manuscript previous to its publication, i. 57 ; different readings of the extant MSS., i. 57 ; six printed editions known to the translator, i. 57 ; varying value of these editions, i. 58, 59; translated into French by Leopold Leclanché, i. 58; excellence of the German version, i. 58; the French translator, while showing much familiarity with sixteenth-century Italian, is sometimes careless, i. 59; gross inaccuracy and inadequacy of Roscoe's English translation, i. 59; translator's reasons for offering a new version, i. 60; selected passages showing Roscoe's inaccuracy, i. 60-65; difficulties encountered in translating, i. 65; the present translator's system, i. 67; reasons for writing, i. 71.
Baglioni, Orazio, general of Pope Clement VII., i. 21, 49, 167,174,182.
Balbo, Giovanni, i. 157.
Balbo, Girolamo, Bishop of Gurck, i. 157.
Baldini, Bernardone, jeweller to the Duke of Florence, ii. 225, 236, 238, 281, 292, 296, 323.
Balducci, Giacopo, Master of the Pope's Mint, i. 224.
Bandinello, Baccio, i. 19, 204; ii. 214, 218, 220, 234, 241, 242, 244, 247, 248, 283, 309-311, '316, 317, 322; his quarrel with Cellini, ii. 247-252; his statue of Hercules and Cacus, ii. 248, 317; his high valuation of Cellini's Perseus, ii. 311; his death, ii. 321; his Pieta in the church of the Annunziata, ii. 322.
Bandini, Giovan, i. 219.
Bargello, the chief constable in Italian towns, i. 209; attempts to arrest Cellini, i. 301; arrests him, ii. 5, 44.
Bartolini, Onofrio de', Archbishop of Pisa, ii. 310.
Bartolommeo, surgeon, married to Cellini's younger sister, i. 184.
Basin, the Cardinal of Ferrara's, i. 354, 358; ii. 16, 88, 101,106,109,111,123,126.
Bastiano. See Del Piombo.
"Bathers, The," cartoon by Michel Angelo, xvii, i. 98. Bellarmati, Girolamo, military architect, ii. 190.
Bembo, Pietro, man of letters, i. 341; his kindness to Cellini, i. 341.
Bendedio, Alberto, agent of the Cardinal of Ferrara, i. 140; ii. 103, 106-109.
Bene. See Del Bene.
Benedetto, Ser, a Sienese notary, i. 258.
Benintendi, Niccolo, i. 285; fixes a quarrel on Cellini, i.286.
Benintendi, Piero, i. 285, 287-290.
Benvegnato of Perugia, the Pope's chamberlain, i. 161— 164.
Berlinghieri, Berlinghier, i. 213.
Bernardi, Giovanni, a celebrated maker of medals, i. 257.
Bettini, Baccio, patron of the arts, i. 324.
Bianchi, B., editor of Cellini's autobiography, i. 57.
Biliotti, Zana de', accountant to Pope Clement, i. 223.
Bologna, Cellini sent to, to learn music, i. 88.
Bologna, Gian, sculptor, ii. 324n.
Bourbon, Constable of, said to be killed by Cellini, xxvii, i. 20, 167; his attack on Rome in 1526, i. 165.
Bozza, servant in Sant' Angelo, ii. 25, 52.
Brandini, Giovanbattista, ii. 308.
Bronze-casting, Cellini's success in, ii. 134, 267, 268.
Bugiardini, Giuliano, painter, i. 190.
Buonaccorsi, Giuliano, treasurer to Francis I., ii. 223.
Buonaccorti, Giuliano, a Florentine exile, i. 353.
Buonarroti, Michel Angelo, i. 97, 114, 156; ii. 248, 270-274; his cartoon of "The Bathers," xvii, i. 98; Torrigiani's quarrel with, i. 99; his praise of Cellini, xxi, i. 189, 190; his David, ii. 21 In.
Busbacca, a Florentine courier, i. 344, 348, 350, 351.
Bust, Cellini's, of Bindo Altoviti, xx, ii. 270, 271; of Cosimo de' Medici, xxi.
Button, Pope Clement's, i. 197, 217, 224, 228, 236, 330.
Cagli, Benedetto da, judge in criminal cases, ii. 6, 47.
Camera Apostolica, the Roman Exchequer, i. 124n.; ii. 9.
Camerini, Eugenio, editor of Cellini's autobiography, i. 57.
Capitolo, Cellini's, written in the castle of Sant' Angelo, ii. 55,60, 72, 75, 77-83, 87.
Capua, Archbishop of, i. 195.
Caradosso, a maker of medals, i. 134, 154, 197.
Carmine, the Chapel of the, fresco painting in, by Masaccio, i. 98 n.
Carnesecchi, Piero, i. 270.
Caro, Annibale, a distinguished writer, i. 17, 207, 261, 303, 307.
Carpani, Gio. Palamede, editor of Cellini's autobiography, i. 57.
Carpi, Giacomo da, a physician, i. 138; his treatment of the "French disease," i. 139; a connoisseur in the arts of design, i. 139; imposes on the Duke of Ferrara, i. 140.
Carucci da Pontormo, Jacopo, painter, praises Cellini's Perseus, ii. 295.
Castel del Rio, Mona Fiore da, Cellini's housekeeper, ii. 262.
Castoro, Francesco, a goldsmith, gives Cellini work, i. 87.
Castro, Duke of. See Farnese, Pier Luigi.
Caterina, Cellini's model and mistress, ii. 156-158, 160, 161,167-172,176.
Cavalletti, Scipione, Bolognese illuminator, i. 89.
Cellini, Andrea, Benvenuto's grandfather, i. 72, 75.
Cellini, Benvenuto, a kind of Steinbock, xi; his garrulity and impulsiveness, xii; his autobiography his best monument, xii; his failure to catch the true spirit of the Renaissance, xiv; a great goldsmith, but not of the line of the best creative artists, xv; secret of his limitations, xvii; his faculty of appreciation, xvii; compared with the master spirits of the Renaissance, xviii; his bust of Bindo Altoviti a work of great merit, xx; aspires to rival
the creations of Donatello and Michel Angelo, xxii; his Perseus not a work of the highest genius, xxiii; general truthfulness of his autobiography, xxiv; his artlessness and good faith, xxvii; his claim that he shot the Constable of Bourbon, xxvii, i. 20; virility of the man and of his narrative, xxx; his method not analytical or introspective, i. 5; his language, despite faulty construction, rises to the level of the most adroit romance-writers, i. 6; his intense egotism, i. 7, 10; his belief in himself, i. 8; his frequent homicides and acts of violence, i. 9; a clear-sighted and impartial critic, i. 10; analysis of his character, i. 11; a good and dutiful son and a loving brother, i. 12; his treatment of a natural daughter, i. 12; his religious feelings, i. 12; his veracity, i. 14; his own statement concerning the truthfulness of his narrative, i. 15; his straightforward means of attaining his ends, i. 16; his portrait as drawn by contemporaries, i. 17; some specific cases in which his veracity has been challenged, i. 19-26; his trustworthiness discernible in his vast picture-gallery of historical personages, i. 26-28; his character sketches genuinely humorous and true to life, i. 29; his trustworthiness confirmed in many instances by corroboration and documentary evidence, i. 29, 30; two important passages in his life imperfectly explained,—his long imprisonment in the castle of Sant' Angelo and his final departure from France, i. 31; elucidation of these two points, i. 31-35; his alleged villainy and violence, i. 36; arguments advanced by the translator in his defence, i. 37; his reply to Bandinello, who reproached him for his murders, i. 38; his instinct for revenge, i. 39; his sensual appetites, i. 40; his want of the gentler emotions of love for a woman, i. 40; his place among the world's three or four best autobiographers, i. 40; his Memoirs a model of vernacular Tuscan prose and an indispensable aid in studying the Italian Renaissance, i. 41; his tenacious memory, i. 43; his vivid word-painting, i. 44; author of various treatises on art, i. 45, 46; his many-sidedness, i. 46; ambitious of making his mark as a poet, i. 46; his verses not the productions of a literary master, yet they are confirmatory of his keen and stringent personality, i. 46; his strong predilection for the arts of de-sign, i. 47; his father's desire to make him a musician, i. 47; his love for drawing and his inborn mastery over technical processes, i. 47; his comprehensive study of the various departments of the goldsmith's trade, i. 47; a goldsmith until his fortieth year, i. 48; his ambition to rival the great sculptors, i. 49; his qualities those of a consummate craftsman, not of an imaginative artist, i. 50; his work characterized more by manual dexterity than by the higher intellectual qualities, i. 50; his industry and progress in the art of sculpture, i. 53; five eminent pieces of sculpture the product of the last period of his active life, i. 53; his substantial title to fame as an artist rests upon his Perseus, i. 54; his reasons for writing his own life, i. 71; his parentage, i. 72-74; his sup-posed ancestry, i. 73; his birth and the reason for his name, i. 78; miraculously escapes a scorpion, i. 79; sees a salamander, i. 79; is taught music, i. 80; his great dislike for it, i. 80, 84, 88, 95, 96; is placed in the work-shop of a goldsmith, i. 84; banished from Florence, i. 87; sent to Bologna to learn music, i. 88; quarrels with his father, i. 93; leaves home and gets employment at Pisa, i. 93; returns to Florence, i. 95; his friendship with Francesco di Filippo, i. 99; leaves home again, for Rome, i. 100; his successful work with II Firenzuola, i. 103; returns to Florence, i. 105; his furious quarrel with Gherardo Guasconti, i. 106-110; flees to Rome, i. 113; works for the Bishop of Salamanca, i. 113; his commis-sion for Madonna Porzia, wife of Gismondo Chigi, i. 115; her generous payment of him, i. 118,119; becomes a member of Pope Clement's band, i. 123, 124; quarrels with the Bishop of Salamanca, i. 126-129; obtains commissions from various dignitaries, i. 130; opens a shop of his own, i. 130; gets into a quarrel with a soldier, i. 132, 133; practises the art of the seal-engraver, i. 134; learns the art of making coins and medals, i. 135; devotes himself to learning enamelling, i. 135; his reflections on his own abilities, i. 135; his marvellous recovery from the plague, i. 141-144; his escape from pirates, i. 144; his practical joke at a supper party, i. 145-151; his kindness to Luigi Pulci, and the shameless return made to him, i. 156-164; fights in the war between Charles V. and Francis I., i. 166; claims that he killed the Constable of Bourbon, i. 167; takes charge of the artillery in the castle of Sant' Angelo, i. 168, 169; some of his exploits, i. 167-182; nearly kills Cardinals Farnese and Salviati, i. 1 73; melts the settings of the Pope 's jewels to save them, i. 179; goes to Mantua, i. 185; commissioned by the Duke of Mantua to make a model for a reliquary, i. 185; quarrels with the Duke of Mantua, i. 186; returns to Florence, i . 1 8 7; praised by Michel Angelo, xxi, i . 1 8 9, 1 90; takes service under Pope Clement against Florence, i. 192, 193; goes to Rome, i. 193; is granted absolution by the Pope, i. 196; his success in designing a button for Pope Clement's cope, i. 198-202, 228; makes dies for Pope Clement's coinage, i. 204; is made stamp-master in the Pope's Mint, i. 205; erects a monument to his brother, i. 215; murders the soldier who shot his brother, i. 218; opens a shop in Rome, i. 220; his shop robbed, i.221; is accused of coining false money, i.224; made a mace-bearer to Pope Clement, i. 228; offends the Pope, i. 232, 233; his eyesight is impaired, i. 234; gets the sickness, i.237; recovers his health, i. 238; deprived of his place in the Mint, i. 242; arrested by the Pope's orders, i. 244; his adventures with a necromancer, i. 252-256; wounds Benedetto, the notary, and is reported to have slain Tobbia, i. 260; flees from Rome, i. 261; goes to Naples, i. 262; returns to Rome, i. 266; taken into favour again by Pope Clement, i. 270; kills Pompeo, i. 275; taken into favour by Pope Paul III., and ordered to strike his coins, i. 278; his life attempted by a Corsican, i. 281; forced to leave Rome, goes to Florence, i. 283; takes a journey to Venice, i. 284-292; a quarrel fastened on him by Niccolo Benintendi, i. 286; rudely treated by a landlord, i. 291; in revenge cuts four beds to pieces, i. 292; makes dies for Alessandro de' Medici, i. 293; returns to Rome, i. 300; his attempted arrest by the Bargello, i. 301; receives a pardon for his killing of Pompeo, i. 305; has a dangerous illness, i. 305; sonnet on his reported death by Benedetto Varchi, i. 311; recovers from his illness, i. 313; employed by Pope Paul III. on a present to Charles V., i. 326; makes a famous foil for the Pope's diamond, i. 331; leaves Rome and travels to Padua, i. 341; leaves Padua for France, i. 344; has a narrow escape from drowning, i. 346, 347; obtains an audience with the King of France, i. 353; saves the life of a French scrivener, i. 355; returns to Rome, i. 358; arrested on a false charge of stealing the Pope's jewels, ii. 5; account of his examination, ii. 6-12; his imprisonment by Pope Paul III., ii. 12-27; his escape, ii. 27-33; his recapture, ii. 45; conveyed to the Torre di Nona, ii. 45; his cruel imprisonment in Sant' Angelo, ii. 50; has an extraordinary vision, ii. 61; his sonnet to the castellan of Sant' Angelo, ii. 65; a plot to poison him fails, ii. 70; is released from the castle of Sant' Angelo, ii. 74; an aureole rests upon his head, ii. 76; his Capitolo to Luca Martini, ii. 77-84; engaged in the service of the Cardinal of Ferrara, ii. 87; his quarrel with the postmaster of Siena, ii. 96; goes to Paris to the court of Francis I ., ii . 1 10; his emoluments from the King, ii. 117; installed in the castle of Le Petit Nesle,ii. 119; visited in his workshop by the King, ii. 124; narrowly escapes being murdered while carrying home gold, ii. 128-130; his success in bronze-casting, ii. 134, 267, 268; receives letters of naturalisation from Francis I., ii. 136; is installed as lord of the castle of Le Petit Nesle, ii. 137; his high favour with the King, ii. 143; incurs the ill-will of Madame d'Etampes, ii. 144; worried by a lawsuit, ii. 151; his means of extricating himself, ii. 154; tried for a criminal offence, ii. 161; his quarrel with Primaticcio (II Bologna), ii. 164; his revenge on Micceri and his model Caterina, ii. 168-170; makes a statue of Jupiter for Francis I.,ii. 183; his colossal statue of Mars, ii. 188; rebuked by the King, defends his conduct, ii. 192-195; his departure from France, ii. 201; arrives at Florence, ii. 208; undertakes his famous statue of Perseus for Cosimo de' Medici, ii. 210; writes a letter to the King of France defending his conduct, ii. 223; accused of an unnatural crime, ii. 229; flees to Venice, ii. 230; returns to Florence, ii. 232; death of his illegitimate son, ii. 243; his great quarrel with Bandinello, ii. 247-252; his casting of the Perseus, ii. 259-266; loses the favour of the Duchess of Florence, ii. 276-281; receives a commission from the Duke of Florence to build the gates of Prato and Arno, ii. 283; his Perseus wins great praise when exhibited to the people, ii. 295-298; the Duke's promises to him, which are not kept, ii. 297, 299, 304; goes on a pilgrimage of thanks for the success of his Perseus, ii. 301; offers his crucifix to the church of S. Maria Novella, ii. 322; buys the farm Delia Fonte from Lo Sbietta, ii. 325; attempt to poison him by Lo Sbietta, ii. 331; swindled by Lo Sbietta, ii. 340; buys the farm Del Poggio from Lo Sbietta, ii. 341; finishes his crucifix and places it on exhibition, ii. 342; his death, ii. 349; account of events not included in his autobiography, ii. 349-354; his pedigree, ii. 357.
Cellini, Cecchino, brother of Benvenuto, i. 92, 188, 209; his valour, i. 86; banished for quarrelling, i. 87; wounded in an encounter with the guard of the Bargello, i. 211; dies of his wound, i. 215; Benvenuto erects a monument to his memory, i. 215; his epitaph, i. 215.
Cellini, Cosa, Benvenuto' s sister, i. 77, 184.
Cellini, Cristofano, Benvenuto's great-grandfather, i. 72, 75.
Cellini, Elisabetta, Benvenuto's mother, i. 72, 76.
Cellini, Giovanni, Benvenuto's father, i. 72, 75; an excellent musician, i. 76; weds Elisabetta Granacci, i. 77; makes musical instruments, i. 80; a wonderful mechanic, i. 80; a devoted servant of the Medici, i. 82; his epigram on the Medici, i. 83; his prophecy regarding Piero, a pupil who insults him, i. 89; insists on Benvenuto's studying music, i. 80, 84, 89, 95; his pleasure in his son's success, i. 121; dies of the plague, i. 187.
Cellini, Liperata, Benvenuto's sister, i. 187, 188, 310.
Cellini, Luca, a valiant soldier, i. 74.
Cellini, Piera, Benvenuto's wife, ii. 350.
Cellini, coat-of-arms of the, i. 216
Cellini, pedigree of the, ii. 357.
Cellino, Fiorino da, mythical founder of Florence, Cellini claims descent from, i. 20, 73.
Cennini, Bastiano, i. 296.
Centano, Andrea, ii. 41.
Ceri, Rienzo da, i. 132, 167.
Cesano, Gabriel, ii. 88-91.
Cesena, Giangiacomo of, a musician, i. 123.
Ceserino, Gabbriello, a patron to Cellini, i. 131.
Cesi, Agnolo da, i. 352.
Chalice, Pope Clement's, i. 229, 232-234, 236, 238, 240, 241, 246, 250, 326.
Charles V., i.326, 327; ii. 178, 189; war in 1521 between
Francis I. and, i. 165n.
Cherubino, a famous clockmaker, ii. 93.
Chigi, Agostino, i. 114.
Chigi, Gismondo, i. 114.
Chigi, Madonna Porzia, wife of Gismondo, i. 115, 130; her generous payment of Cellini, i. 118, 119.
Chioccia, Bartolommeo, a workman employed by Cellini, ii. 155.
Cibo, Cardinal Innocenzio, i. 130.
Cibo, Lorenzo, Marquis of Massa, i. 284.
Cioli, Francesco (Il Moschino), ii. 324 n.
Cioli, Simone, sculptor, ii. 324 n.
Cisti, captain in the Bande Nere, i. 209.
Clement VII., Pope, i. 123, 130, 165; attacked by the Colonnas and driven into the castle of Sant' Angelo, i. 165n.; asks aid from the Duke of Urbino, i. 171; makes war on Florence, i. 191; Cellini takes service under, i. 192, 193; quarrels with Cellini, i. 234-250; takes Cellini into favour again, i. 270; his death, i. 273.
Cocchi, Antonio, editor of Cellini's autobiography, i. 57.
Coinage, Pope Clement's, Cellini makes dies for, i. 204.
Coliseum, necromantic night-scene in the, i. 25, 43, 252256.
Colonna, Stefano, ii. 246.
Colonna, the house of, attack on Rome by, i. 165.
Commune, Florentine, arms of the, i. 83.
Concino, Bartolommeo, ii. 338.
Conversing Benedetto, of Pistoja, Governor of Rome, ii. 6, 35.
Cornaro, Cardinal Francesco, i. 130, 276, 314; ii. 19, 33, 41.
Cortese, Tommaso, Pope Clement's Datary, i. 203.
Crespino, the Bargello, ii. 5.
Crucifix, Cellini's, i. 54; ii. 319, 322; its value as a work of religious art, xxii; completed, ii. 342; purchased by the Duke of Florence, ii. 342n.
Danti, Vincenzio, ii. 323.
Deed conferring on Cellini the lordship of Le Petit Nesle, i. 30; ii. 137.
Defects in Cellini's more ambitious works, i. 52; attributable to his composite temper, i. 49.
Del Bene Albertaccio, one of Cellini's friends, i. 274, 276,341.
Del Bene, Alessandro, i. 165.
Del Bene, Baccio, i. 35; ii. 344.
Del Bene, Ricciardo, i. 353.
Del Guasto, Alfonso, Marchese, i. 333.
Del Moro, Raffaello, goldsmith, i. 194, 205, 332.
Del Nazaro, Mattio, a Veronese in the service of Francis I., ii. 156.
Del Nero, Francesco, servant of Pope Clement VII., i. 223, 224.
Del Piffero, Cecchino. See Cellini, Cecchino.
Del Piffero, Ercole, Cellini works for, i. 88.
Del Piombo, Sebastiano, celebrated painter, i. 207, 227, 230.
Del Poggio, farm, Cellini purchases, ii. 341.
Del Sansovino, Giacopo, sculptor. See Tatti.
Delia Barca, Giacopino. See Delia Sciorina, Giacopo.
Delia Fonte, Cellini's farm, ii. 329, 335.
Delia Chiostra, Ulivieri, i. 94.
Delia Croce, Baccino, i. 209, 250.
Delia Sciorina, Giacopo, i. 192, 194, 197.
Delia Tacca,Giovan Francesco, Milanese goldsmith, ii. 40.
Diamond, pounded, mixed with Cellini's food, ii. 68.
Diego, a Spanish youth, i. 147.
Dies, Cellini makes, for Pope Clement's coinage, i. 204; spurious coins made from Cellini's, i. 224.
Donatello, ii. 233; his Judith and Holofernes, ii. 21 In.
Donnino, a goldsmith, i. 226.
Drawing, Cellini's love for, i. 47.
Dream, Cellini's, about his father, i. 124; in the dungeon of Sant' Angelo, ii. 53, 75.
Duranti, Durante, chamberlain of Pope Paul III., i. 329; ii. 68; plots Cellini's death, ii. 68.
Egotism, Cellini's, i. 5, 7, 10, 19.
Enamelling, Cellini devotes himself to the mastery of, i. 135.
Ercole del Piffero. See Del Piffero, Ercole.
Escape, Cellini's, from the castle of Sant' Angelo, ii. 2733.
Este, Ippolito d', Cardinal of Ferrara, i. 353; ii. 3, 73, 74, 87-89, 91-93, 101, 103, 111-113, 117, 123, 126, 140, 177,199,205.
Estouteville, Jean d', Provost of Paris, ii. 119n.
Etampes, Madame d', mistress of Francis I., ii. 124, 138, 149-151, 163; Cellini incurs her ill-will, ii. 144; her machinations against Cellini, ii. 181, 185, 186, 191, 192.
Eyesight, Cellini's, failure of, i. 234.
Fa, Jacques de la, ii. 163.
Fagiuolo, Girolamo, i. 242.
Fano, Lodovico da, i. 207, 303.
Farnese, Cardinal Alessandro (afterwards Pope Paul III.), i. 173; ii. 73.
Farnese, Jeronima, wife of Pier Luigi, ii. 48.
Farnese, Pier Luigi, son of Pope Paul III., i. 280; ii. 5, 6, 12, 38, 67, 206.
Faustina, a prostitute, i. 141.
Faustina, sister of Cellini's apprentice Paulino, i. 122.
Felice, Cellini's partner, i. 250, 258, 300, 307, 309, 310, 312, 313, 317, 321-323, 341, 358; ii. 18.
Ferragosto, a religious festival, i. 123.
Ferrara, Cardinal of. See Este, Ippolito d
Fiaschino, chamberlain to the Duke of Ferrara, ii. 105, 109.
Filippo, Francesco di, his friendship with Cellini, i. 99, 105.
Fiorino, one of Cæsar's captains, Cellini claims descent from, i. 73.
Firenzuola, Giovanni, goldsmith, Cellini works for, i. 101.
Flood, the Roman, of 1530, i. 227.
Florence, built in imitation of the city of Rome, i. 72; Cellini's apocryphal derivation of its name, i. 19, 73; Cellini banished from, i. 87; Cellini returns to, i. 183; Cellini leaves, for Mantua, i. 184; Pope Clement makes war upon, i. 191.
Florence, the Duchess of, Cellini loses the favour of, ii. 276-281; her patronage of Bandinello, ii. 315, 316.
Foiano, Fra Benedetto da, a priest who was starved to death in prison, i. 32; ii. 56.
Fontainebleau, Cellini makes models for the door of the palace at, ii. 140.
Fontainebleau, Nymph of, xxi,i. 52; cast by Cellini, ii. 173.
Fontana, Domenico, jeweller in Naples, i. 264.
Foppa, Ambrogio. See Caradosso.
Francis I. of France, i. 198, 239; ii. 12, 19, 111; war in 1521 between Charles V. and, i. 165; his patronage of Cellini, ii. 112.
Franzesi, Mattio, poet, i. 306, 307.
"French disease," i. 139, 237.
Friendship, Cellini's, uncertain, i. 11.
Fusconi, Francesco, a famous physician, i. 305, 309-315.
Gaddi, Agnolino,,i. 253, 255.
Gaddi, Giovanni, clerk of the Camera, i. 207, 227, 260, 300, 306-308, 310.
Gaddi, Niccolò, Cardinal de', i. 172; ii. 3, 4.
Gaio, a foolish Milanese jeweller, i. 331-333.
Galleotti, Pietro Pagolo, goldsmith, i. 296, 299, 319.
Galluzzi, Bernardo, a cashier of Bindo Altoviti, ii. 75.
Gambetta, a prostitute, ii. 220; makes a shameful charge against Cellini, ii. 229.
Ganymede, antique statue of, restored by Cellini, i. 53; ii. 246,253,256.
Gates of Prato and Arno, Cellini gets commission to build, ii. 283.
Gattinara, Gio. Bartolommeo di, ii. 10.
Giangiacomo, of Cesena, musician, i. 123.
Giannotti, Giannotto, i. 102.
Giliolo, Girolamo, treasurer of the Duke of Ferrara, ii. 102, 105.
Ginori, Federigo, i. 190, 198.
Giovanni, Pier, a chamberlain to Pope Clement VII., i. 243 .
Giovenale, Latino, de' Manetti. See Juvenale, Latino.
Goethe, translation of Cellini's autobiography by, i. 5,58.
Goldsmith, Cellini's reputation as a, xx, xxi, i. 42.
Goldsmith's art, Cellini's treatise on the, i. 45.
Gonzaga, Ercole, Cardinal, i. 186.
Gonzaga, Ippolito, ii. 200.
Gonzago, Federigo, Marquis of Mantua, i. 185.
Gorini, Lattanzio, ii. 214, 216, 241, 283.
Granacci, Elisabetta, Cellini's mother, i. 72, 76.
Granacci, Stefano, Cellini's maternal grandfather,!. 72, 76.
Grolier, Jean, ii. 182.
Guadagni, Felice. See Felice.
Guasconti, the, Cellini's quarrel with, xxvi, i. 106.
Guidi, Giacopo, secretary to Cosimo de' Medici, ii. 303.
Guidi, Guido, physician to Francis I., friend to Cellini, ii. 146, 201,218.
Hadrian's Mausoleum, a Roman fortress, i. 175.
Hercules and Cacus, Bandinello's statue of, ii. 248.
Holy Sepulchre, the, Cellini's vow to visit, ii. 61; Cellini starts on a pilgrimage to, ii. 116.
Homicide, view of Cellini's age concerning its justifiableness, i. 14, 38.
Il Bachiacca. See Verdi, Antonio, and Verdi, Francesco.
Il Bologna. See Primaticcio, Francesco.
Il Bronzino. See Allori, Angelo.
Il Caradosso. See Caradosso.
Il Fattore, painter, i. 113, 120, 131.
Il Lamentone. See Lamentone.
Il Magalotto. See Magalotti, Gregorio.
Il Moschino. See Cioli, Francesco.
Il Rosso, painter, i. 131, 351, 352; ii. 150, 184.
Il Tribolino. See Pericoli, Niccolo de
Imprisonment, Cellini's, in the castle of Sant' Angelo, i. 13,17; ii. 12-27.
Jacomo, of Perugia, a surgeon, ii. 33.
Jacopo, of Carpi, a surgeon, i. 138; ii. 108.
Jewels of the Apostolic Camera, the, Cellini entrusted with, by Pope Clement VII., i. 179; Cellini is arrested on a false charge of stealing, ii. 5.
Julius II., Pope, i. 83.
Julius III., Pope, ii. 269.
Jupiter, Cellini's statue of, ii. 123, 124, 131-133, 137, 173, 174, 177, 179, 183, 184, 186, 187.
Juvenale, Latino, poet, i. 278, 279, 326, 334.
Lamentone, Il, courier from Florence to Venice, i. 284289.
Landi, Antonio, ii. 225, 238.
Landi, Pier, friend of Cellini,i. Ill, 189, 193, 316.
Lastricati, Alessandro, ii. 263.
Lautizio, seal-engraver, i. 134; ii. 89.
Leclanché, Leopold, translator of Cellini's autobiography into French, i. 58.
Leo X., Pope, i. 83 n.
Leoni, Leone, a goldsmith, ii. 69.
Lionardo da Vinci. See Vinci, Lionardo da.
Lippi, Fra Filippo, i. 99.
Lippi, Francesco, i. 99.
Lorraine, John of, Cardinal, ii. 124-126, 145.
Lotto, Pier Maria di, i. 182.
Lucagnolo, a goldsmith, i. 113; his rivalry with Cellini, i. 116-120.
Luigi, Pier, son of Pope Paul III. See Farnese, Pier Luigi.
Macaroni, a Roman workman employed by Cellini, ii. 155, 160.
Mace-bearer to the Pope, Cellini is made, i. 228.
Macherone, Cesare, a forger, i. 225, 227.
Machiavelli, his epitaph on Piero Soderini, i. 82. Macon, Antoine le, secretary to Margaret of Navarre, ii.136.
Maffio, captain of the Bargello's guard, i. 212, 213.
Magalotti, an exile at Ferrara, i. 288-290.
Magalotti, Gregorio, Governor of Rome, i. 244.
Mannellini, Bernardino, workman to Cellini, ii. 221, 230, 261.
Manno, an excellent workman, i. 317.
Mantua, Marquis of. See Gonzago, Federigo.
Marcone, the goldsmith, i. 96; Cellini apprenticed to, i. 85.
Margaret of Austria, i. 295n.; ii. 31n.
Marmagna, Monsignor di, ii. 121.
Marretti, Girolamo, a Sienese, i. 189.
Marriage, Cellini's, ii. 350.
Mars, Cellini's statue of, ii. 163, 187.
Martelli, Niccolò, his estimate of Cellini as a craftsman and a man, i. 17.
Martini, Luca, man of letters, i. 317; Cellini addresses a Capitolo to, ii. 77.
Martino, Piero di, a rascally goldsmith, ii. 240.
Masaccio, painting by, in the Church of the Carmine, i. 98.
Maurizio, Ser, Chancellor of Florence, i. 284.
Medal, Gabbriello Ceserino's, by Cellini, i. 131; Girolamo
Marretti's, i. 189; Federigo Ginori's, i. 190, 198; Pope
Clement VII.'s, i. 250, 269; Duke of Florence's, i. 298, 320; Duke of Ferrara's, ii. 103, 104.
Medici, Alessandrode', Duke of Florence, i. 213, 283; Cellini makes dies for, i. 293-297; murdered by Lorenzino, i. 324.
Medici, Bernardo de', i. 277n.
Medici, Caterina de', ii. 124n.
Medici, Cosimo de', Duke of Florence, xvii, i. 9, 86, 284, 325; ii. 209; Cellini makes his famous statue of Perseus for, ii. 211; his promises to Cellini, ii. 297, 299.
Medici, Ferdinando de', son of Cosimo, ii. 290 n.
Medici, Francesco de', son of Cosimo, ii. 290 n., 334.
Medici, Garzia de', son of Cosimo, ii. 290n.
Medici, Giovanni de', son of Cosimo, ii. 290 n.
Medici, Giovanni de' (Pope Leo X.), i. 83.
Medici, Giovannino de', i. 86.
Medici, Giuliano de', i. 83 n.
Medici, Giulio de'. See Clement VII.
Medici, Ippolito de', i. 261, 266, 268, 277.
Medici, Lorenzino de', i. 80, 296, 298, 299, 320; ii. 231; murders the Duke Alessandro, i. 324.
Medici, Lorenzo, the Magnificent, i. 80.
Medici, Ottaviano de', i. 296, 297, 317, 319.
Medici, Piero de', i. 80; his tomb at Monte Cassino, i. 262.
Medici, exile of the, i. 189.
Medici, palace of the, i. 98, 318.
Medici, the house of, friendly to Cellini and his father, i. 82, 83; the latter a devoted servant of, i. 82.
Medicean arms, i. 83 n.
Medicean dynasty, the second, i. 86 n.
Medicean party, the, Cellini's house loyal adherents of, ii. 209.
Medici, tomb of the, in San Lorenzo at Florence, by Verrocchio, xiv, xix.
Medusa, Cellini's statue of, for the Perseus, ii. 219, 228, 233,243,255,256.
Micceri, Pagolo, a workman employed by Cellini, i. 37,39; ii. 155; his hypocrisy, ii. 156, 157; Cellini's revenge on, ii. 168.
Michel Angelo. See Buonarroti, Michel Angelo.
Michele, a goldsmith, ii. 20.
Micheletto, an engraver of jewels, i. 198.
Mint, Pope Clement VII. 's, i. 224, 238; Cellini is made stamp-master in, i. 205; loses his place in, i. 242.
Mirandola, Count of, ii. 138, 200, 205.
Molini, Giuseppe, editor of Cellini's autobiography, i. 57.
Monaldi, Sandrino, ii. 52, 56.
Money, false, circulated in Rome, i. 224.
Monte Aguto, Niccolò da, i. 284, 316, 319, 320.
Montelupo, Raffaello da, i. 168 n.; ii. 10n., 11.
Monte Varchi, Benedetto da, poet, i. 58, 112; his sonnet on Cellini's reported death, i. 308, 311.
Monte Varchi, Francesco da, physician, i. 317; ii. 333.
Montluc, Jean de, ii. 12, 72.
Montorsoli, Giovanni Angelo, ii. 298.
Morality, Cellini's, not closely joined to religion, i. 13.
Morals of Italian society in Cellini's day, i. 9.
Murder in Cellini's day a venial error, i. 37.
Music, Cellini begins the study of, i. 80; his dislike for, i. 80, 84, 88, 95, 96; sent to Bologna to learn, i. 88.
Nardi, Jacopo, the historian, i. 285, 286.
Naturalisation, letters of French, given to Cellini, i. 30; ii. 136.
Navarre, King of, ii. 124, 126, 185.
Necromancer, Cellini's adventures with a, i. 252-256.
Neptune, Cellini's model for a marble, ii. 315, 319, 327, 334, 336, 342-344.
Nesle, Le Petit, Cellini goes to live in, ii. 119; is installed as lord of, ii. 137.
Niccolò, goldsmith, of Milan, Cellini works with, i. 185.
Nobili, Antonio de', ii. 306.
Norcia, Francesco da, a famous physician, i. 305, 309-3 15.
Nugent, Thomas, translator of Cellini's autobiography, i. 58.
Orange, Prince of, wounded by Cellini during the sack of Rome, i. 20, 180; ii. 11.
Orazio Baglioni. See Baglioni.
Orbec, Vicomte d', ii. 122, 127.
Orsini, Cardinal, i. 181.
Orsino, Gierolimo, Duke of Bracciano, i. 359.
Paccalli, Giuliano, ii. 272.
Pagolo, apprentice of Cellini, ii. 88, 92, 93, 97-100, 104, 109, 110, 114, 117, 118, 122, 154, 200.
Palazzo del Te, i. 185.
Palazzo Vecchio, i. 97 n.
Pallavicini, a friar, ii. 14.
Pantasilea, a prostitute, i. 146, 158, 159.
Parentage, Cellini's, i. 72.
Particino, a wood-carver, ii. 283.
Pascucci, Girolamo, a Perugian workman employed by
Cellini, i. 341, 358; ii. 4, 20.
Pasqualino d' Ancona, ii. 283.
Paul III., Pope, i. 9, 32, 33, 278; ii. 4, 34, 35, 66, 73, 74, 101, 102; takes Cellini into favour, i. 278; employs Cellini on a present to Charles V., i. 326.
Paulino, Cellini's boy, i. 122.
Pa via, Bishop of, ii. 200, 201.
Pearl necklace, the Duchess of Florence's, i. 16; ii. 276.
Pearsall, H. D., observations of, regarding the aureole which Cellini says surrounded his head, i. 23 n. Pecci, Pier Antonio, of Siena, i. 268.
Pedignone, soldier in Sant' Angelo, ii. 25.
Pedigree of the Cellini, ii. 356.
Penni. See II Fattore.
Pericoli, Niccolo de', a Florentine sculptor, i. 283-290.
Perseus, Cellini's bronze statue of, xvii, xx, xxii, xxiii, i. 43, 54; ii. 210, 219, 232, 242, 245, 255, 293, 303, 304, 307-310; casting of, ii. 259-266; praised when exhibited to the people, ii. 295-298.
Pilgrimage of thanks, Cellini's, for the success of his Perseus, ii. 301.
Pilli, Raffaello de', surgeon, ii. 254, 333.
Piloto, goldsmith, i. 156, 275.
Pirates, Cellini attacked by, i. 144.
Pitigliano, Count of, ii. 138.
Plague, great, in Rome, i. 136, 138, 141; Cellini's marvellous recovery from, i. 141-144.
Plon, Eugène, an authority on Cellini and his works, xii, i. 50n., 54n., 57n.
Poetry, Cellini's desire to excel in, i. 46.
Poggini, Gianpagolo and Domenico, eminent die-casters, ii. 221,227, 236, 239.
Politics, Cellini's abstention from, i. 193 n.
Polverino, Jacopo, ii. 308.
Pompeo, a Milanese jeweller, i. 36, 199, 241, 249, 260, 262; picks a quarrel with Cellini, i. 274; slain by Cellini, i. 275.
Portrait, Cellini's, of Pope Clement VII., i. 250; of the Duke of Ferrara, ii. 102; of the Duke of Florence, ii. 222,232.
Prato, the gate of, Cellini gets a commission to build, ii. 283.
Primaticcio, Francesco (II Bologna), a painter, ii. 150, 163-165,169,175,184.
Prinzivalle della Stufa, an upright judge, i. 107, 108.
Pucci, Antonio, Cardinal, ii. 19.
Pucci, Roberto, i. 232; ii. 34.
Pulci, Luigi, Cellini's kindness to, i. 157; his shameful ingratitude, i. 159; his death, i. 164.
Quarrel, Cellini's, with his father, i. 93; with Gherardo
Quasconti, i. 106-110; with the Bishop of Salamanca, i. 126-129; with a soldier of Rienzo da Ceri, i. 132, 133; with the Duke of Mantua, i. 186; with Baccio Bandinello, ii. 247-252.
Quistelli, Alfonso, ii. 308, 335.
Rastelli, Giacomo, a famous surgeon, i. 206.
Ravenna, Cardinal of. See Accolti, Benedetto.
Reality the supreme merit of Cellini's autobiography, xxix.
Recalcati, Ambrogio, secretary to Pope Paul III., i. 278.
Religion, Cellini's, not closely joined to morality, i. 13.
Renaissance, the Italian, its treatment of the professional idea, xii; a time of intense personal pride, xiii; its elevating power, xiv; its lavish production of great men, xvi; its typical products the artist and the bravo, i. 8; Cellini its most eminent exponent in craftsmanship of several kinds, i. 40; his Memoirs a valuable aid to its study, i. 41; his Perseus its last great product, i. 56.
Riccio, Pier Francesco, majordomo of the Duke of Florence, ii. 214, 216, 267, 274; his malice against Cellini, ii. 216.
Ridolfi, Niccolò, Cardinal, i. 130.
Rigogli, Giovanni, i. 187.
Romano, Giulio, i. 114n., 145; Cellini visits him, i. 185.
Rome, the sack of, xxvii; Prince of Orange wounded in, i.20, 180; Cellini's exploits in, i. 167-182; Constable of Bourbon killed in, i. 167.
Romoli, Vincenzio, Cellini's servant, i. 252-254, 300, 303, 312.
Roscoe, Thomas, translator of Cellini's autobiography, i. 58; inaccuracies and deficiencies of his text, i. 59-65.
Rossi, Gio. Girolamo de', Bishop of Pavia, ii. 71, 147.
Ruberta, Cellini's servant, ii. 171.
Rucellai, Luigi, i. 276.
Safe-conduct, Cellini's, from Pope Clement VII., i. 297, 301.
St. Paul, Comte de, Francois de Bourbon, ii. 197.
Salamanca, Bishop of, Cellini works for, i. 113; his impatience, i. 125; delays paying Cellini, i. 126-129; repents of his conduct toward Cellini, i. 130.
Salimbene, Francesco, Cellini works with, i. 100, 105.
Salt-cellar, Cardinal of Ferrara's,ii. 89, 126, 131, 137, 173.
Salviati, Alamanno, ii. 306.
Salviati, Jacopo, i. 84, 173, 195.
Salviati, Giovanni, Cardinal, i. 130, 232, 239; ii. 109.
Salviati, Piero, ii. 313.
Sanga, Battista, secretary to Pope Clement VII., i. 208.
San Gallo, Antonio da, a famous architect, i. 352.
San Gallo, Francesco da, sculptor, ii. 283.
Sansovino, Giacopo del. See Tatti.
Santacroce, Antonio, chief of the Pope's gunners, i. 169.
Sant' Angelo, the castle of, Cellini is imprisoned in, ii. 6; escapes from, ii. 28; recaptured and again confined in, ii. 49.
Santa Fiore. See Sforza, Ascanio.
Sauthier, Pierre, a famous printer, ii. 148 n.
Savello, Giovanbatista, i. 262.
Savoy, Marguerite, Duchess of, ii. 185.
Sbietta, Lo. See Anterigoli, Piermaria.
Scheggia, Raffaellone, ii. 338, 340.
Schio, Girolamo, Bishop of Vasona, confidential agent of Pope Clement VII., i. 223 n., 230.
Schomberg, Nicholas, Archbishop of Capua, i. 195.
Scorpion, Cellini miraculously escapes a, i. 79.
Scorzone, model and mistress to Cellini, ii. 176.
Sculpture, Cellini's treatise on, i. 45; his industry in the art of, i. 53.
Serristori, Averardo, ii. 269, 272.
Sforza, Almeni, chamberlain of the Duke of Florence, ii. 244, 297, 300.
Sforza, Ascanio, Cardinal Santa Fiore, ii. 38.
Sforza, Sforza, i. 336.
Sguazzella, a Florentine painter, with whom Cellini lodged in Paris, i. 353.
Sistine Chapel, i. 98 n., 114n.
Soderini, Francesco, i. 320, 324.
Soderini, Piero, his good-will to Cellini and his father, i. 82; Machiavelli's epitaph on, i. 82 n. Solosmeo, Antonio, of Settignano, sculptor, i. 262.
Sonnet, Benedetto Varchi's, on Cellini's reported death, i. 311; Cellini's, to the castellan of Sant' Angelo, ii. 65.
Spini, Gherardo, i. 46n.
Sputasenni family, Cellini's kindness to the, i. 11; ii. 350.
Stamp-master, Cellini is made, in the Pope's Mint, i. 205.
Steinbock, Wenceslas, Cellini compared to, xi.
Strozzi, Cattivanza degli, i. 209.
Strozzi, Fra Alessio, i. 110.
Strozzi, Filippo, i. 179, 23 In., 345.
Strozzi, Piero, a noted soldier, ii. 135, 138, 198.
Stufa, Pandolfo della, ii. 310.
Style, Cellini's, i. 45, 46, 66.
Targhetta, Miliano, a famous Venetian jeweller, i. 331.
Tassi, Francesco, editor of Cellini's autobiography, i. 57.
Tasso, Giovan Battista del, wood-carver, i. 100; ii. 215, 283.
Tatti, Giacopo, a famous sculptor, i. 283, 289; ii. 231; his treatment of Il Tribolino, i. 290.
Time, Italian method of reckoning, i. 127n.
Titian, Cellini pays a visit to, in Venice, ii. 231.
Tobbia, a Milanese goldsmith, i. 239, 243, 247, 250.
Torello, Lelio, the Duke of Florence's Master of the Rolls, ii. 311.
Torre di Nona, Roman prison, i. 213; Cellini confined in, ii.45.
Torrigiani, Piero, sculptor, i. 96; the legend of his death, i. 97n.; his assault on Michel Angelo, i. 99.
Tournon, Francois, Cardinal de, ii. 92.
Translations of Cellini's autobiography, i. 58, 59.
Trespontina, church of the, ii. 31.
Trotti, Alfonso de', a dilettante of the arts, ii. 106-109.
Trustworthiness of Cellini's narrative, i. 26.
Truth, Cellini's attitude toward, i. 16.
Tuscan dialect, difficulty of translating the, i. 65.
Ugolini, Antonio, ii. 68, 71, 72.
Ugolini, Giorgio, castellan of Sant' Angelo, ii. 13, 35, 49, 56, 58, 65, 66; his odd fancies, ii. 22; his death, ii. 68.
Ugolini, Piero, ii. 67.
Urbino, servant of Michel Angelo, ii. 273.
Urbino, Francesco, Duke of, failure of, to send help to Pope
Clement VII. during the sack of Rome, i. 171.
Urbino, Gian di, a captain in the war against Pope Clement VII., i. 178.
Urbino, Raffaello da, i. 113, 352.
Val d'Ambra, home of Cellini's ancestors, i. 74.
Valenti, Benedetto, Procurator-Fiscal of Rome, i. 244, 245; ii. 6.
Valori, Bartolommeo, i. 231, 232.
Varchi, Benedetto da Monte. See Monte Varchi.
Vasari, Giorgio, painter, architect, and historian, i. 10; ii. 324; his description of Cellini, i. 17; falsifies Cellini to the Pope, i. 316,318.
Vase, Bishop of Salamanca's, i. 120, 122, 125-129; Cardinal Cibo's, i. 130; Cellini's two-handled, ii. 132, 137, 174,177,190.
Vasona, Bishop of. See Schio, Girolamo.
Vassellario, Giorgetto, of Arezzo. See Vasari.
Vega, Juan de, Viceroy of Sicily, ii. 297.
Veneziano, Bastiano. See Del Piombo.
Veracity, Cellini's, xxiv, i. 14; ii. 213n., 252n.
Verdi, Antonio (II Bachiacca), embroiderer, ii. 227.
Verdi, Francesco (II Bachiacca), painter, i. 146, 159.
Vergezio, Giovanni, i. 207n., 303.
Villainy, Cellini's alleged, i. 36.
Villerois, Monsignor di, first secretary to the King of France, ii. 120.
Vinci, Lionardo da, ii. 117; his cartoon representing the taking of Pisa by the Florentines, i. 98.
Violence, Cellini's, i. 36.
Vision, Cellini's, in the castle of Sant' Angelo, ii. 61.
Volterra, Daniello da, painter, i. 35; ii. 344.