The Life of Buddha/Part Two
- Trapusha and Bhallika
- The Buddha is Prepared to Preach the Doctrine
- The Buddha Leaves for Benares
- The Buddha Finds His Former Disciples
- The Story of the Hermit and the Hare
- The Story of Padmaka
- The Buddha at the Bamboo Grove
- Sariputra and Maudgalyayana
- The Buddha Pacifies the Malcontents of Rajagriha
- Suddhodana Sends Messengers to His Son
- The Story of the Crane and the Fish
- The Story of Visvantara
- The Story of Dharmapala
- Gopa's Great Virtue
- Nanda Renounces Royalty
- The Buddha Leaves Kapilavastu
- Anathapindika's Offering
- The New Disciples
- Nanda's Pride
- The Death of Suddhodana