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The Life of William Morris/Index

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Abbeville visited, i. 74.

Acland, Sir H., i. 132.

Adams, Rev. W.F., i. 38; ii. 365.

Æneid, Morris's translation, i. 330-322.

Aitken, Miss, i. 355–356.

Akureyri, i. 303.

Aldenham, Lord, ii. 344.

Allen, Grant, ii. 278.

Allingham, W., i. 113; ii. 81.

Allman, J.P., ii. 186.

Alphington, Devon, i. 28.

"Als ich kanne," motto, i. 110.

Alton Towers, i. 334.

Amiens Cathedral, i. 98.

"Amis and Amillion," i. 201; ii. 298.

Ancient Buildings, Society for Protection of, i. 348–355.

Ancoats Brotherhood, ii. 121, 316.

Angelico, i. 42; ii. 287.

Angling, Morris's love of, i. 224.

Anti-Scrape, i. 357.

Apocalypse, MS. at the Bodleian, i. 42.

Arbroath, ii. 169.

"Aristomenes," fragment of, pub. in the Athenæum, i. 189, 213.

Armansfell, i. 272.

Armour, suit of, i. 124–125.

Arms of the Morris family, i. 12.

Arnold, M., i. 346, 377; ii. 89, 91, 198.

Art Workers' Guild, ii. 208.

Arts and Crafts Society, ii. 206, 237.

Arundale, Misses, school, i. 12.

Ashbourne, i. 334.

Asmundr, Dean, i. 261.

Aubusson tapestry, i. 374.

Avebury, i. 25.

Aveling, Dr., ii. 149–151.

Avranches, letter from, i. 75.

Axewater, i. 276.

Baldwin, Mrs. A., i. 119, 281, 295, 304, 311, 318.

Bampton, ii. 222.

"Banded Men," i. 308.

Baring, Mrs., house in Devonshire, i. 364.

Batchelor & Son, papermakers, ii. 265.

Bathstead, i. 269.

Bax, E.B., ii. 185, 187, 304.

Bazin, M., brocade-weaver, i. 362.

Beadon Road meetings, ii. 183, 188.

Beauvais, ii. 275.

Bed valance verses, ii. 283.

Belgium, visit to, in 1874, i. 313.

Bellamy, H., "Looking Back- ward," ii. 248, 256-257.

Benson, R.H., ii. 351.

Benson, W.A.S., ii. 207, 209, 339.

Beowulf, i. 204 ; ii. 298.

Bergthorsknoll, i. 260.

Besant, Mrs., ii. 220.

Bestiary of the 12th century, ii. 339.

Bibury, i. 240.

Birchall, Rev. O., ii. 176.

Birds, Morris's love for, i. 119.

Birmingham, stained-glass window, ii. 219; lecture at, ii. 284.

Bjarg, i. 266.

"Blanche," a poem, i. 60.

Blatchford, R., ii. 307.

Bliss, W.H., i. 27, 302.

Blockley, ii. 34.

Blore, E., ii. 291.

Blunt, Wilfrid, ii. 214, 289, 34i.

Blythborough, ii. 331.

Boccaccio, "De Claris Mulier- ibus," 1473, i. 199.

Bock, Canon, collection of tex- tile fabrics, ii. 94.

Bodley, G.F., i. 151

Borrow, G., i. 226.

Botticelli, ii. 87.

Bowden, W., ii. 265.

Bowen, Lord, i. 125, 131, 331.

Box Hill, ii. 168.

Boyce, G.P., ii. 14.

Bradford, Wilts, ii. 233.

Bright, Rev. Dr., ii. 125.

Brighton, ii. 71.

Broadbent, Sir W., ii. 339, 346.

Broadway, i. 350.

Broadwell, i. 240.

Brown, F.M., "The Last of England," i. 105 ; declines to paint at the Oxford Union, 122 ; suggests the Firm, 149 ; mentioned, i. 165, 180 ; ii. 131.

Browning, E.B., influence of, i. 60.

Browning, R., "Bishop Blou- gram" discussed, i. 105.

Brunnar, i. 273.

Buckler, John, ii. 301.

Burden, Miss E., i. 158.

Burden, Robert, i. 140.

Burford, i. 24O, 350.

Burne-Jones, E., first acquaint- ance with Morris, i. 36 ; reads with him, 39 ; his drawings as a schoolboy, 41 ; recognition of Morris as a poet, 53 ; idea of a Brother- hood, 64 ; journey to France, 74 ; decides to be a painter, 80 ; first meets Rossetti, 103 ; has rooms with Morris, no; his painting on a settle, 117 ; paints at the Oxford Union, 121-123 ; illness at Red Lion Square, 139 ; de- signs for windows at Scar- borough and Brighton, 151; paintings at Red House, Upton, 163 ; moves to the Grange, 198 ; visits Italy with Morris, 302 ; retires from the Firm, 317 ; writes to Morris on Socialist agita- tion, ii. 163 ; Morris's esti- mate of, 354 ; designs for "The Golden Legend," 294 ; mentioned, i. 42, 44, 48, 50, 53, 63, 64, 73, 82, 84, 90, 91, 105, 107, 113, 114, 117, 125, 126, 128, 131, 132, 140, 153, 157, 162, 164, ig2, 196, 200. 286, 313, 317, 329, 374; ii. 6, 107, 213, 335, 338, 341, 343, 344, 346 , 350, 352.

Burne-Jones, Lady, i. 285, 308, 334; ii. 71, 72, 80, 108, 116, ng, 157, 324, 333, 336, 340, 348, 351.

Burne-Jones, Miss Margaret, ii. 218.

Burslem, lecture at, ii. 21.

Burt, T., i. 360.

Butler, S., "Erewhon," ii. 96.

Cambridge, Morris's opinion of, i. 71.

Campfield, Geo., i. 153, 384 ; ii. 45.

Carlisle, Countess of, letter to, i. 314.

Carlisle, Earl of, carpet made for, ii. 48 ; decoration of house at Kensington, ii. 56–60, 74.

Carlyle, T., i. 226, 355–356 ; ii. 30, 82.

Carpenter, E., ii. 136, 151.

Carpet-looms at Hammer- smith, i. 385.

Carpets, manufacture of, ii. 4.

Carruthers, J., ii. 187, 346.

Carshalton, ii. 78.

"Catherine," a poem, ii. 271.

Catterson-Smith, R., ii. 346, 348.

Chamberlain, J., ii. 139.

Champion, H.H., ii. 93.

Charleville, Countess of, i. 368.

Chartres, i. 74.

Chaucer, influence on Morris, i. 63, 183, 203-204 ; personal resemblance with Morris, 220 ; Works, Kelmscott Press edition, ii. 293 foll.

Cherry-Hinton, i. 363.

Chintz for bookbinding, ii. 239.

Chintzes, ii. 38, 60.

Chiselhurst, ii. 258.

Chiswick Club Hall, ii. 190.

Chiswick Horticultural Gar- dens, ii. 240.

Christmas Carol, i. 101.

Cirencester, ii. 20.

Clarke, C. Cowden, i. 206.

Classical art and literature, ii. 181.

Cleveland Hall meeting, ii. 184.

Clouds, burning of, ii. 227.

Cobbett, W., i. 226.

Cobden-Sanderson, T. J., ii. 207, 210, 238.

Cockerell, Douglas, ii. 342.

Cockerell, S. C, Secretary to the Kelmscott Press, ii. 296, 339, 346, 348, 350.

Coleridge, Lord Chief Justice, ii. 26.

Collins, C.A., picture of "A Good Harvest," i. 72.

Colour, Morris's skill in use of, i. 321.

Coombe, T., his Pre-Raphaelite pictures, i. 73.

"Commonweal," ii. 147, 216–217.

Congreve, R., i. 32.

Cookham Lock, ii. 12.

Coronio, Mrs., letters to, i. 299, 335.

Cracroft, Bernard, i. 94.

Crane, W., ii. 50, 106–107, 206, 213, 237.

Crayford, ii. 35–36.

Critics and criticism, Morris's opinion of, i. 138.

Dave, Victor, ii. 184.

Dearie, G.H., ii. 50.

"Defence of Guenevere," pub- lication of, i. 133-139; re- printed, 330.

Democratic Federation, ii. 87, 93.

De Morgan, Miss M., i. 229; ii. 351.

De Morgan, W., i. 158, 355- 356; ii. 17, 35, 46, 80, 128. Dettifoss, i. 303.

Devon Great Consols, i. 14 ; decline in value, 167.

Dickens, Morris's hearty ap- preciation of, i. 227.

Dixon, Canon, reminiscences of "the set" at Oxford, i. 43-44 ; suggests starting the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, 70 ; opinion of the early poems, 95 ; anec- dote of Morris at the Man- chester Exhibition, 119; preference for the earlier poems, 139 ; letter to Price, 313.

Dock strike of 1889, ii. 235-236.

Dod Street, ii. 171.

Dolmetsch, Arnold, ii. 351.

"Dolphins and the Lovers," i. 201.

Dorchester, Oxon., i. 193 ; ii. 14.

Dorking, ii. 168.

"Dorothea, St.," i. 213.

Drangey, i. 265, 266, 304.

"Dream of John Ball," i. 137.

Dreux, i. 77.

Dublin, i. 369 ; ii. 165.

Duchess of Bayswater, ii. 243.

Dürer, A., i. 72, 113.

Dyeing, experiments in, i. 364- 368.

Dyeing, practice of, i. 321-328.

" Earthly Paradise," plan and development of, i. 182-189 ; sources of, 209-212.

Eastern Question, i. 357-360.

Edgware, ii. 258.

Edgware Road meeting, ii. 170.

Edinburgh, ii. 176.

Edinburgh Art Congress, ii. 237.

Ellis, F. S., i. 199-201, 207, 225, 242, 243, 279 ; ii. 2, 93, 174, 191, 204, 221, 226, 239, 261-264, 265, 268, 269, 289, 295. 325, 332, 34°. 344. 34 6 * 349, 351.

Ellis, Phillis M., ii. 261.

Elm House, Walthamstow, i. 2.

Ely Cathedral restoration, i. 72.

Emigration mania, i. 105.

Ems, stay at, i. 207 ; letter from to Ellis, 207-208.

Epping Forest, i. 7 ; ii. 330.

Erne-water-heath, i. 266.

Eton, ii. 12.

Evangelicalism, i. 11.

Evans, W. H., i. 248, 265, 267, 268, 270.

Evreux, i. 77.

Exeter College, Oxford, in 1853, i. 33.

Exeter College tapestry, ii. 254.

Eyrarbakki, i. 261.

Eyrbyggja Saga, lines on, i. 271.

Fairford, ii. 16.

Fairwood Fells, i. 272.

Farringdon clump, ii. 3.

Faroes, i. 251.

Farringdon Road, offices of the Socialist League, ii. 153.

Faulkner, C.J., rooms at Pem- broke Coll., i. 37 ; as mathe- matician, 45 ; helps in the decoration of the Oxford Union, 124 ; member of the firm of Morris & Co., 149 ; returns to Oxford, 180 ; one of the Iceland party, 248, 266; joins the Socialist League, ii. 148 ; struck with paralysis, 228 ; mentioned, i. 132, 166, 316, 319, 372 ; ii. 126.

Fearon, D. R., i. 18.

Fergusson, J., ii. 3.

Firdousi, Shah Nameh, ii. 98, 107.

Firm of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co., planned, i. 149-158; dissolution of, 314–317

Fleetlithe, i. 262.

Flower, W., ii. 196.

Forman, Alfred, i. 308.

Forman, H.B., i. 309.

"Fortunes of Gyges," i. 201.

Fouque's "Sintram," apprecia- tion of, i. 42.

"Frank's Sealed Letter," i. 99.

Frithiof Saga, i. 308.

"Frithiof the Bold," i. 309.

Fuchsius, L., i. 324.

Fulford, W., i. 37, 44, 46, 47, 105, 152.

Furnivall, F. J., i. 103.

Genoa, i. 377–379.

George, Henry, ii. 87, 88, 125.

Gerard's Herbal, i. 323.

"Gesta Romanorum," i. 211.

Geysirs, i. 264.

Glasgow, ii. 230.

"Glittering Plain," ii. 254, 269.

Gobelins tapestry, i. 374.

"God of the Poor," ii. 272.

Godstow, ii. 79.

"Golden Legend," ii, 261–262.

"Goldilocks and Goldilocks," ii. 271.

Great Coxwell Church, i. 13 ; tithe barn, i. 240; ii. 234.

Grettir the Strong, i. 266; his lair, 272.

"Grettis Saga" published, i. 207.

Grim Goatshoe, i. 277.

Guerrault, M., ii. 175.

Guest, J.M., i. 49.

Gunnar's Hall, site of, i. 263.

"Gunnlaug Worm-tongue," i. 207, 309.

Guy, Rev. Dr., Morris's tutor, i. 26 ; letter to, 197.

Guy, Rev. F.G., extracts from diary of, i. 364.

Hadham, i. 372 ; ii. 227.

Halifax, i. 363.

Hammersmith Socialist So- ciety, ii. 253, 264.

Hampton Court tapestries, ii. 198.

Harris, Sanderson & Harris, i. 3.

Hauskuld-stead, i. 267.

Havre, i. 80.

Heckmondwike Company, i. 366.

Heeley, Wilfred, i. 37.

Heimskringla, ii. 325.

Hellot on wool-dyeing, i. 324.

"Hen Thorir," i. 308.

Hengill, i. 274.

Herdholt, i. 247, 266, 269.

Highworth, ii. 4.

Hill of Laws, i. 277.

Hindhead, ii. 81.

Hines, Mr., of Oxford, ii. 335.

Hofmannaflotr, i. 274.

Hogarth Club, ii. 209.

Hogg, Dr. Gordon, ii. 183.

Hogni and Hedin, i. 309.

Holbein, H., ii. 87.

Holiday, Mrs. H., i. 386.

Holland, Sir Henry, i. 280.

"Hollow Land," a tale, i. 101.

Hoole, J.W., i. 136.

Hooper, W.H., ii. 279.

Horace, MS. of Odes of, i. 312.

Horner, Mrs. J.F., i. 288.

Horsfall, T.C., ii. 104, 120, 123.

House at Upton, built by P. Webb, i. 144.

"House of the Wolfings," i. 100; ii. 216.

Howard, Geo. See Carlisle, Earl of.

Howard, H.N., ii. 355.

"Howard the Halt," i. 308.

Hoxton, ii. 189.

"Hroi the Fool," i. 309.

Hughes, Arthur, i. 121, 128, 133, 152, 165 ; ii. 78.

Huntingfield Psalter, ii. 328.

Hurley Lock, ii. 13.

Hwammfirth, i. 267.

Hyndman, H. M., ii. 102, 117, 119, 126, 133-135, 171, 304.

Iceland, Morris's first visit to, i. 247 ; second visit to, 303- 304.

Iceland relief committee, ii. 83.

Icelandic diary, i. 249 foll.

Icelandic studies and literature, i. 206, 307.

Illumination, Morris's skill in, i. 118, 214, 284-286.

Image, Selwyn, ii. 281.

Inglesham Church, ii. 16.

Ionides, A., ii. 48.

Italy, Morris's comparatively small interest in, i. 302.

Jackson, T.G., ii. 301.

"Jason," publication and suc- cess of, i. 189-190; second edition, 200.

Jefferies, R., "After London," ii. 152.

Jeffreys, Messrs., i. 161.

Jekyll, Mrs., i. 104.

Jenson, N., his types, ii. 261.

"John Ball," ii. 177.

Johnson, Dr., points of resem- blance with Morris, i. 221 ; ii. 360.

Jowett, B., i. 150.

"Justice," ii. 127.

Keats, one of Morris's masters, i. 206 ; his admiration for, 226.

Kelmscott House, Hammer- smith, i. 383.

Kelmscott Manor, i. 232 ; de- scription of, 234-239 ; voyage to from London, ii. 9-15.

Kelmscott Press, founding of the, ii. 260.

Kirkjubae in the Faroes, i. 255.

Kitz, F., ii. 179.

Knight, W., ii. 50.

Lady Place, ii. 13.

Lago di Garda, i. 379.

Langford, i. 240.

Lawrence, E. H., collection of MSS., ii. 293.

Lawrene, Lord, i. 361.

Laxdale, i. 266.

Lectures at Oxford, i. 35.

Lectures on Socialism, ii. 130.

Leighton's "Cimabue," i. 72.

Lendon, Mr., i. 367.

Lethaby, W.R., ii. 207.

Lewes, ii. 72.

Lichfield, i. 327-328.

Lichfield Cathedral, i. 350.

Lincoln, ii. 259.

"Lindenborg Pool," i. 100-101.

Linnell, Alfred, ii. 202.

Lithend, i. 260, 265.

Littlehampton, scarlet fever at, i. 168.

"Long Land, The," ii. 271.

Lome, Marquis of, ii. 237, 303.

Louviers, church at, i. 79.

"Love is Enough," i. 288.

Lubbock, Sir J., ii. 14.

Lushington, Sir Godfrey, i. 37, 94.

Lushington, Vernon, i. 37, 94, 103.

Macdonald, Geo., i. 383.

Macdonald, H., i. 37.

Maclarens, i. 140-141.

Mackonochie, Rev. A.H., i. 151.

Magnússon, Eiríkr, i. 206, 248, 264, 301 ; ii. 325.

Malory's "Morte d' Arthur," i. 108.

Mandeville's "Travels," i. 211.

Markfleet, i. 265.

Marylebone Police Court, ii. 170.

Marlow, ii. 11.

Marshall, P.P., i. 151, 180, 317.

Marx, Karl, ii. 87, 89, 104.

Matthiolus, Herbal, i. 324.

Maurice, C.E., letters to, on Socialism, ii. 109–116.

Maurice, F.D., i. 102, 103 ; ii. 87.

"Maying of Guenevere," i. 171.

Mediæval furniture, experi- ments in, i. 116.

Memling, Hans, i. 50.

Merton Abbey Socialist lec- tures, ii. 179.

Merton Abbey Works, ii. 33, 36–38.

Middleton, J.H., i. 303 ; ii. 266, 345.

Midfirthdale, i. 266.

Mill, J.S., on Fourier, ii. 85.

Millais, J.E., "The Rescue," i. 72 ; "The Vale of Rest," ii. 165.

Milton, i. 226.

Minster Church, Thanet, i. 11.

Mitcham, ii. 186.

Monastery, scheme of estab- lishing, i. 64.

Moore, Albert, i. 158.

Mordhurst, Mr., ii. 182.

More, Sir T., "Utopia," ii. 95.

Morris, Edgar, ii. 35.

Morris, Emma, letter to, i. 23.

Morris, Jane Alice, birth and christening, i. 166.

Morris, Mary, "May," birth, i. 166.

Morris, W., birthplace, i. 2 ; ancestry, 3 ; goes to Marl- borough school, 15 ; Anglo- Catholic bias, 18 ; leaves Marlborough, 26 ; matricu- lates at Exeter College, 27 ; character in youth, 34 ; first acquaintance with Burne-Jones, 36 ; regard for Tenny- son's verse in college days, 47 ; influence of Ruskin, 49 ; reading of Shakespeare, 49 ; first journey abroad, 50 ; comes of age, 51 ; decides to be an architect, 81 ; de- clines to take holy orders, 86 ; book-illuminating in 1856, 106 ; portrait in the illustrated volume of Tenny- son, 107 ; visits the Low Countries, no; quits Street's office, no; aban- dons architecture as a profession, 112; takes up painting, 114; skill as an illuminator, 118; model for Lancelot or Tristram, 124 ; his suit of armour, 124-125 ; journey down the Seine, 141 ; joins the volunteers, 166 ; has rheumatic fever, 168; removes from Upton to Queen Square, 170 ; pub- lishes "Jason," 189-190 ; publishes "The Earthly Paradise," 198 ; personal appearance, great strength, and other attributes, 223 ; his taste for the culinary art, 230 ; journey to Iceland, 247 ; return from Iceland, 280, moves to Horrington House, Chiswick, 297 ; visits Italy, 301 ; second journey to Iceland, 303-304 ; dislike of London, 311 ; resigns directorship of Devon Great Consols, 333 ; joins the Eastern Question Associa- tion, 357 ; issues a manifesto to the working men on the Eastern Question, 359 ; ex- aminer at South Kensing- ton, 365 ; his first public lecture, 370 ; his carpet de- signs, ii. 47 ; evidence be- fore Technical Instruction Commission, 51 ; visit to Paris with Armstrong, 101 ; first appearance at a Social- ist meeting, 102 ; his know- ledge of birds, 104 ; founds the Socialist League, 139 ; arrested at Thames Police Court, 155 ; ill with gout, 157 ; statement of Socialist policy, 161-163 ; deposed from editorship of the "Commonweal," 242 ; es- tablishes the Kelmscott Press, 260 ; declines to en- tertain the question of the Laureateship, 302 ; joins in the manifesto of English Socialists, 1893, 304.

Morris, William, Senr., i. 2, 12.

Morris, Mrs. W. , i. 158; por- trait of, by her husband, 140 ; letters to, 333, 338.

Morris, Sir Lewis, ii. 195.

"Morte d' Arthur" tapestries, ii. 223.

Most, Herr, ii. 26.

Mouse, the Iceland pony, i. 282-283.

Mowbray, C. W., ii. 250.

Munro, A., i. 126.

Murray, C. F., i. 126, 214, 308, 312, 328-329; ii. 271.

National Gallery, ii. 287.

Nationalization of land, ii. 88.

Naworth, visit to, i. 314; stained glass at, ii. 59.

Needlework, experiments in, i. 133.

Netmaking, i. 18.

"News from Nowhere," ii. 256.

Nichol, Professor, ii. 230.

Nicoll, D.G., ii. 250. Njal Saga, i. 345.

Njala country, i. 262.

North France, Morris's love for, i. 51 ; ii. 275, 315.

"Northern Love Stories, Three," i. 309.

Norway, voyage to, ii. 346.

Norwich, ii. 219; prosecution of Socialists at, 179.

Nottingham, i. 334-335.

Oddi, i. 261.

Odyssey, translation of, ii. 165, 173-175, 190-192.

Olaf Peacock, i. 267.

Oldham, Rev. J., i. 26.

Oneglia, i. 370.

Ormskirk, i. 363.

"Orpheus and Eurydice," i. 213.

Owen, Robert, ii. 104.

Oxford, changes in, i. 29,51; later feeling towards, ii. 17; Socialist lecture at, 126.

Oxford and Cambridge Maga- zine, i. 70, 91, 111.

Oxford, restoration of St. Mary's spire, ii. 300.

Oxford, Professorship of Poetry, i. 346-347.

Oxford Union, paintings at, i. 121.

Oxford Street premises of the Firm, i. 363.

Padua, i. 380.

Palomydes, picture of, i. 123.

Paris, first visit to, i. 75.

Paris Congress of Socialists, ii. 235.

"Peace" tapestry, ii. 238.

Pearson, J.L., ii. 291, 330.

Peterborough Cathedral, ii. 329.

Pewsey, ii. 3.

"Pilgrims of Hope," ii. 148, 177.

Plint, T. E., patron of the Pre- Raphaelites, i. 140.

"Poems by the Way," ii. 270.

"Poetic upholsterer," ii. 25.

Poetry, Morris's first essays in, i. 54.

Poetry, theory and practice of, i. 347.

Political interest, i. 348.

Pollen, J.H., i. 41, 121, 128.

Potter, Geo., i. 360.

Powell, F. York, ii. 175.

Powell, Messrs., glass, i. 154.

Pre-Raphaelite school of paint- ing, ii. 284-285.

Price, Cormell, i. 37, 130, 133, 152, 313, 35°; ii. 34.

Prince, type-cutter, ii. 275.

Prinsep, Val., i. 121, 128.

Profit-sharing, ii. 65.

Pugin, A.W., i. 334.

Queen Square, i. 179.

Radford, Ernest, ii. 221.

Raphael's Ansidei Madonna, ii. 287.

Rashdall's "Universities," ii. 337.

Red House, Upton, i. 143-149 ; life at, 165 ; given up, 170.

Red Lion Mary, i. 115.

Red Lion Square, residence in, i. 115.

Reims, ii. 277.

Reykholt, i. 272.

Reykjavik, i. 260, 303.

Ridding, Bishop, i. 34.

Ritchie, Mrs. R., i. 160.

Riviere, Wm., i. 127.

Ronalds, F., i. 383.

"Roots of the Mountains," ii. 225, 238.

Rossetti, D.G., his enthusiasm for painting, i. 108 ; his in- fluence on Morris, 114 ; en- gaged to paint at the Oxford Union, 121 ; his share in the circular issued by the Firm, 156 ; extinction of Rossetti's artistic influence over Morris, 206 ; drawing of "The Ms at Ems," 209 ; joint tenant of Kelmscott with Morris, 242 ; opinion of " Love is Enough," 288 ; retires from the Firm, end of intimacy^ 317 ; his criticism on "Si- gurd," 345 ; want of interest in politics, ii. 99-100; lavish generosity, 100.

Rottingdean, ii. 71.

Rouen, i. 50.

Routh, M.J., i. 31.

Rowley, C, ii. 121.

Ruskin, J., Morris's early ad- miration for, i. 40 ; "On the Nature of Gothic," ii. 289 ; mentioned, i. 226 ; ii. 210, 212, 289.

Russell Club, Oxford, ii. 126.

Saga Library, ii. 260.

St. Alban's, Holborn, i. 151.

St. James's Palace decoration, ii. 32.

St. Mark's, Venice, i. 381 ; ii. 6, 181.

Saunders, Mr., Police Magis- trate, ii. 155.

Scheu, A., ii. 102, 134.

Scotland, ii. 151.

Scott, Sir G., i. 350; ii. 234, 291.

Scott, W.B., i. 113, 127, 288 ; ii. 175.

Seddon's Hammersmith Church, ii. 103.

Shah Abbas, carpet of the time of, i. 363.

Shairp, Principal, i. 347.

Shaw, G. B., ii. 85, 304.

Shaw, R. Norman, i. 105, 145.

Shelley's "Skylark," i. 59 ; his incapacity for narrative poetry, 183.

Shelton, Emma, mother of Wm. Morris, i. 1 ; her death, ii. 315.

Shelton, Jos., Morris's mater- nal grandfather, i. 3.

"Sigurd the Volsung," i. 320, 340. Sigurdson, Jón, i. 260.

Singlestick, Morris's skill at, i. 67.

Sinodun Hill, i. 193.

Skaptar Jokul, i. 307.

Skeidara, i. 307.

Skjaldbreid, i. 272.

Sleath, W., ii. 50.

Smith, F. and R., i. 364 ; ii. 254.

Smith, John, ii. 50.

Snaefellsness, i. 260, 269.

Snorri the Priest, i. 278.

Socialism, innate in Morris, i. 348 ; beginning of interest in, ii. 24.

Socialist divisions, ii. 157-159.

Socialist League, ii. 137 ; end of the, 252.

Soissons Cathedral, ii. 278.

South Kensington Museum, i. 182, 385 ; Morris as Ex- aminer of Art at, ii. 52. Southwold, i. 206.

Sparling, H.H., ii. 187.

"Speculum Humanae Salva- tionis," Culembourg, 1483, ii. 267.

Stained-glass windows, ii. 40-41.

Stanhope, J. R. Spencer, i. 121, 128.

Stanley, Eliz., grandmother of W. Morris, i. 2.

Stanmore, ii. 258.

Stephen, Sir Jas., i. 355.

Stephens, F.G., i. 350.

Stepney, lecture at, ii. 153.

Stepniak, S., funeral of, ii. 335.

Stonehenge, ii. 3.

Stratford, Socialist meetings at, ii. 167.

Straumey in the Faroes, i. 253.

Street, G. E., i. 85, 89, 105, 109.

Street-preaching of Socialism, ii. 103.

Stykkisholm, i. 269.

Sumner, Heywood, ii. 207.

Sunday morning meetings of Morris and Burne-Jones, i. 198.

Surtees, F., Morris's delight in his sporting novels, i. 227.

Sussex chairs, ii. 47.

Swan, i. 131.

Swinburne, A. C, i. 131, 135, 164, 186, 332, 346; ii 79, 297.

"Tables Turned," ii. 197–200.

Tangley Manor, ii. 196.

Tapestry-loom at Kelmscott House, i. 384.

Tapestry-weaving, i. 373–376; ii. 49; Flora and Pomona pieces, ii. 107.

Taylor, G. Warrington, i. 180; ii. 47.

Tennyson, his vogue at Oxford in 1853, i. 46 ; his Arthurian poems, 308.

Tewkesbury Abbey, i. 350.

Thames, voyages up the, ii. 9–14.

Thames Police Court, ii. 155.

Thingmeads, i. 274.

Thingvalla, i. 260, 272.

Thorir Red-beard, i. 266.

Thorodstead, i. 266.

Thorpe, B., "Northern Mytho- logy," i. 101.

Thorshaven, i. 252.

"Thorstein Staff-smitten," i. 309.

Thursfield, J.R., i. 128, 346.

Tiles, ii. 45–46.

Tiptoft Missal, ii. 328.

Tolstoi, L., ii. 215.

Tomsen's at Reykjavik, i. 305.

Torcello, i. 380.

Toynbee, A., ii. 124.

Tradition in craftsmanship, ii.

Trafalgar Square riot, 1886, ii. 160.

Trafalgar Square meeting, 1887, uu, 201–203.

Tristram and Iseult, ii. 79-80.

Trojan War, unpublished poems on the, i. 171-178.

Troy tapestry at S. Kensington, ii. 181.

Tullamore, i. 368, 369.

Turco-Russian War of 1877, i. 358-361.

Typography, ii. 224.

Tyrwhitt, St. John, 1. 131.

University education, i. 87.

"Unknown Church," a tale, i. 100.

Upton, house at, i. 144.

Van Eyck, i. 50, no; ii. 287.

Venice, i. 379 ; ii. 6.

Verona, i. 380.

Virgil, illuminated, i. 215, 312.

Virgil, translation of, i. 329, 330, 332.

Volsunga Saga published, i. 214.

Wagner's music, i. 308.

"Wake, London Lads," i. 361, 372.

Walham Green, ii. 190.

Walker, Emery, ii. 224, 238, 263, 275, 340, 352.

Walker, F., pictures, ii. 165.

Wall-paintings at Oxford, i. 121–129.

Wall-paper, i. 160–161; ii. 61. Wallace's" Land Nationaliza- tion," ii. 95.

Wallingford, ii. 14.

Wallis, H., i. 109.

Wandle, River, ii. 76-77.

Wardle, Geo., i. 195, 297, 321, 325, 326; ii. 38-42, 61-62, 64, 143, 181.

Wardle, T., ii. 176.

Wardle, Sir T., of Leek, i. 322, 325, 334. 362, 373; ii. 347.

Warner, Metford, i. 161.

Waterdale, i. 266.

Water House, i. 19.

Watts, G. F., portrait of Morris, i. 219.

Waverley Novels, Morris's early reading of the, i. 5, 9. Webb, Philip, i. 105, 141, 143, 147, 159, 164, 180, 198, 317 ; ii. 44, 321, 351.

Webb, Sidney, ii. 304. "Well at the World's End," i. 101.

Wensum, River, ii. 220.

West Ham Police Court, ii. 167.

Westbury, Wilts, ii. 232.

Westmanna-firth, i. 256.

Westminster Abbey, ii. 290.

White Horse, Berkshire, i. 12.

Wilkinson, Dr., i. 26.

William of Malmesbury, i. 211.

Windmill Psalter, ii. 344.

Windus, T., picture collector, i. 73.

Wood-engraving, Morris's skill in, i. 90 ; blocks to illustrate "Cupid and Psyche" cut by him, 196.

Woodford Hall, i. 9.

Woodford stocks and cage, i. 6.

Woodward, B., i. 120.

"Wooing of Swanhild," i. 213.

Woolner, T., goes to Australia, i. 106.

Worcester, ii. 219.

Wordsworth, i. 226.

Work and workmen, ii. 69.

Working Men's College, i. 102.

Wren's City Churches, i. 355- 356; ii. 291.

Wyatt, A. J., ii. 299, 349.

Wyatt, James, ii. 291.

Yarmouth, ii. 236.

Yonge, Miss, "Heir of Red- clyffe," i. 43.