The Lightning Conductor/end matter
Novels by Jack London
With Illustrations by Philip R. Goodwin and Charles Livingston Bull
Decorated by Charles Edward Hopper
"A tale that is literature . . . the unity of its plan and the firmness of its execution are equally remarkable ... a story that grips the reader deeply. It is art, it is literature It stands apart, far apart with so much skill, so much reasonableness, so much convincing logic."—N. T. Mail and Express.
"A big story in sober English, and with thorough art in the construction ... a wonderfully perfect bit of work. The dog adventures are as exciting as any man's exploits could be, and Mr. London's workmanship is wholly satisfying."—The New York Sun.
"The story is one that will stir the blood of every lover of a life in its closest relation to nature. Whoever loves the open or adventure for its own sake will find 'The Call of the Wild' a most fascinating book."—The Brooklyn Eagle.
Illustrated by W. J. Aylward
"This story surely has the pure Stevenson ring, the adventurous glamour, the vertebrate stoicism. 'Tis surely the story of the making of a man, the sculptor being Captain Larsen, and the clay, the ease-loving, well-to-do, half-drowned man, to all appearances his helpless prey,"—Critic.
By the Authors of "The Lightning Conductor"
With numerous full-page pictures by Edward Penfield, and several reproductions of photographs of the scenes. $1.50
A humorous romance of travel in northern. France and Switzerland, by the Italian Lakes, among the Valois Alps, and to Nice and Monte Carlo. The leading characters are again a charming American girl and a susceptible Englishman. About half the travel is by automobile; the rest is an Alpine walking tour.
- "The action is brisk, and the descriptions of scenery are delightful. In the working out there is originality enough to savor half a dozen modern novels. Just a simple love story, but concerning a pair of lovers whose outlook on life and love is so broad that to share it for an hour or two is to be glad that one lives and proud if the capacity for loving has not been frittered away."
"The authors have duplicated their earlier success. . . . Two more delightful figures than Boy and Man ' rarely are found in fiction or elsewhere."
"Aided by the scenery of Switzerland and France and by near characterizations of men, women, and mules, and abetted by our old friends, the Lightning Conductor and Molly, now his wife, it offers a front of airy and charming promise, and dances in graceful mirth down its appointed hour. . . . The characters are life-like enough to satisfy any novel-reader in good standing. . . . All the intoxication of mountaineering is here. . . . Scenery is more than described; it is conveyed. . . . Gay and breezy fun plays duets very prettily with much genuine enthusiasm for beauty."
"A modern prose 'As You Like It,' . . . most delightfully written, . . . containing wit as well as delicate humor, and descriptive work entirely unconventional and full of feeling, in place of the usual attitudinizing platitudes. ... All lovers of Switzerland and the lake region of Italy are advised to buy the book; likewise all lovers of that distinctly modern fiction in which the romance is genuine and strong, and also of the finest type."
29 W. 23d Street NEW YORK
The fascination of girls from Dixie is proverbial. This, book pictures episodes in the early career of one of them, who studied at Plissestadt (Leipsic?) to become an operetta singer. While she had an unconscious faculty for inspiring devotion in others, notably two other young Americans in Plissestadt, she looked on life with an easy nonchalance, and felt no warmth in return. Mr. Olmsted knows his Leipsic, where he studied the piano, and most happily reproduces the humour and quaintness of that most musical of towns.
The Times Review further says: "It contrives to get the reader so strangely obsessed by the personality of a young woman that the sensation is measurably like that enjoyed by a man in love. . . . Sets out especially the humors of the local opera and theatre and the psychology ot the Hausfrau. For one, a delectable opera singer of uncertain age with cats and hopes matrimonial. . . . Admirable observations of an epigrammatic character, and many excellent sayings in particular about the Germans. . . . The grip of the book is the grip of Miss Bilton but it is entertaining even when she is off
Life says: "Barring the author's mannerisms, it is one of the really striking things of the spring fiction."
"A book th&t holds the reader absorbed . . . will stir the blood of any not deaf to the inspiration of brave deeds."—Book News.
A story of filibusters of reckless humor and courage, who fought and most of whom died for a woman. The scenes are chiefly aboard a yacht in Guatemala, and the time to-day.
"These men are swept by the momentum of the game into a fever of enthusiasm, . . . it sweeps you along . . . unusually readable."—New York Times Review.
"This lively book may be described as a blend of Bret Hart and Mr. Richard Harding Davis, and the mixture is commendable."—Dial.
"A novel in which there is something doing all the time. . . . No ordinary fighting. . . . The author has succeeded admirably in showing, even in an exaggerated narrative, how men will 'wade through slaughter to a throne,' by force of woman's power."—Boston Herald.
"Lots of love-making; lots of fighting: lots of adventure. We commend 'Losers' Luck.' ... A book like this is often worth a dozen of the plodding, petty, realistic sort."—The Argonaut, San Francisco.
Henry Holt and Company
29 W. 23d Street New York
Two Recent Novels of Distinction Praised by the Authorities

This story of a London poet has been favorably compared by competent authorities with the work of Thackeray, George Eliot, and Meredith.
"From any point of view it is an unusual novel, as much better than ome of the 'best sellers' as a painting is better than a chromo."—World's Work.
"Certain it is that in all our new fiction I have found nothing worthy to compare with 'The Divine Fire,' nothing even remotely approaching the same class."—Mary Moss in The Atlantic Monthly.
"The biggest surprise of the whole season's fiction. . . . You simply read right on, deaf to everything and everybody outside of the compelling magic of its pages."—New York Globe.
"I find her book the most remarkable that I have read for many years."—Author:Owen Seaman|Owen Seaman]] in Punch, London.
A celebrated German professor dies leaving an unfinished work on corals and his daughter as a legacy to a young Englishman, his assistant. In a fit of disappointment because her girlhood love for a German musician is not returned, the heroine marries her always devoted guardian, whom she does not love. The picture of German university and English country life, and the difficulties of the young, untrained wife in maintaining her position are often humorous and always well drawn.
"Marked by admirable humor . . . one of the most capable and satisfying of stories."—New York Sun.
"Strongly reminds one of Miss Fothergill's 'First Violin' ... the tale is a good one. told with much humor and much excellent character study . . . very readable."—New York Times Review.
"One of the most interesting and well-told novels of the season, and it should be one of the most popular."—The Academy, London.
Henry Holt and Company
29 W. 23d Street New York