The Lily of the Valley (Balzac, tr. Wormeley)/Addendum
The following personages appear in other stories of the Human Comedy.
Birotteau, Abbe Francois
Blamont-Chauvry, Princesse de
Brandon, Lady Marie Augusta
Chessel, Madame de
Dudley, Lord
Dudley, Lady Arabella
Lenoncourt, Duc de
Lenoncourt-Givry, Duchesse de
Listomere, Marquis de
Listomere, Marquise de
Louis XVIII., Louis-Stanislas-Xavier
- The Chouans
- The Seamy Side of History
- The Gondreville Mystery
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- The Ball at Sceaux
- Colonel Chabert
- The Government Clerks
Manerville, Comtesse Paul de
Marsay, Henri de
- The Thirteen
- The Unconscious Humorists
- Another Study of Woman
- Father Goriot
- Jealousies of a Country Town
- Ursule Mirouet
- A Marriage Settlement
- Lost Illusions
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- Letters of Two Brides
- The Ball at Sceaux
- Modeste Mignon
- The Secrets of a Princess
- The Gondreville Mystery
- A Daughter of Eve
Stanhope, Lady Esther
Vandenesse, Comte Felix de