When fragrant bloom of yellow broomdelights our lads and lassies,O'er yellow broom in beauty's bloommy Will all lads surpasses!Wi' Willy then I'll o'er the braes,I'll o'er the braes Willy;Wi' Willy then I'll o'er the braes,I'll o'er the braes wi' Willy.From morn to eve I'll sing the praiseof buxom, bonny Willy.Willy, Willy, Willy, Willy.From morn to eve I'll sing the praiseof buxom, bonny Willy.
Reclin'd by Tay, at noon-tide day,we'll pu the daisy pretty.The live-lang day we'll kiss and play,er sing some loving ditty.Wi Willy then, &c.
Now blythe and gay at setting day,(illegible text) dinna hinder.I'll sing and play wi' Willy gay,for we twa ne'er shall finder.Wi' Willy then &c.
Divider from 'The Linnet', a chapbook printed in Falkirk in 1819