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The Little Book of the Most Holy Child Jesus/Meditation VIII

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The Little Book of the Most Holy Child Jesus (1876)
by John Priestly Warmoll
Meditation VIII. Jesus with the Doctors in the Temple.
1971142The Little Book of the Most Holy Child Jesus — Meditation VIII. Jesus with the Doctors in the Temple.1876John Priestly Warmoll



Grace to ask for: Teachableness.

Behold the Child Jesus now at the age of twelve.

For once, Mary and Joseph are not by His side.

He is in the Temple—in the hall of the doctors, the teachers of the Law, which He had come to fulfil.

They know not who stands before them meekly answering their questions.

He is but a boy, yet such answers these learned men have never heard.

Such wisdom they have never known.

His questions startle these gravest men of Israel yet more than the answers which He gives.

While He would teach, He seems to learn from them.

He is the eternal Wisdom, clothed in our flesh.

A bashful modest Child before those doctors of the Temple, all knowledge is in His Heart.

The elders hold their breath with wonder.

Now listen. It is a Mother's voice that pleads.

Into that Hall have entered Mary and Joseph.

Their souls have been full of sorrow.

For three whole days they have lost the Child, and all the light went out from their hearts.

He had not come for them alone, His Father's business called Him.

At Mary's word He leaves the work for yet a while, and departs with her to dwell at Nazareth, their home in Galilee, in the house of Joseph the carpenter.

Dear Jesus, all Wisdom and Knowledge as Thou art, Thou didst stand like a teachable child before the doctors of Jerusalem.

I will gladly receive the words of those whom Thou hast set over me.

I know but very little. Teach me in their teaching, and above all things to know and love Thee.

Dear Mother Mary, to whom the holy Child was obedient, pray to Him for me.

Holy Joseph, I look to thee as a father.

Most Holy Child Jesus, save Thy children.