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The Little Book of the Most Holy Child Jesus/Morning Prayers

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For works with similar titles, see Morning Prayer.


Away with all vain and worldly thoughts. You are in the Presence of the great God.

✠ In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

My God, I offer my heart and soul to Thee.

Eternal Father, I offer my heart and soul to Thee.

Jesus, eternal Son, for love of me once a Child, I offer my heart and soul to Thee.

Holy Spirit, eternal love of the Father and the Son, I offer my heart and soul to Thee.

O Blessed Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one eternal God, I offer my heart and soul to Thee.

My God, I believe that Thou art here present, and that Thou seest all my heart; with my whole heart I adore and I love Thee.

I thank Thee, because Thou hast created me to know, love, and serve Thee.

I thank Thee, because Thou hast redeemed me by the precious Blood, and made me Thy own.

I thank Thee, because Thou hast kept me safely through the night past, and hast given me another day in which to serve Thee.

I thank Thee humbly for all the good things Thou hast done for me and given me.

I offer Thee, poor child as I am, what Thou hast given me—my heart and my soul.

I offer Thee all my thoughts, my words and actions, all that I may have to suffer this day. Give me Thy holy grace, that I may not offend Thee now or in the time to come.

Here you can say the 'Our Father,' the 'Hail Mary' and 'Glory be to the Father,' and the 'I believe;' also, if you have time, make the following acts:


My God, I firmly believe in Thee; and because Thou art the eternal Truth, I believe all that Thou dost teach me by Thy holy Church.

Strengthen my faith. In this faith I desire to live and die.


My God, all my hopes are in Thee, because Thou art almighty, and art able to do what Thou hast said.

Because Thou art a God of mercy, and dost not desire that I should perish, I hope for grace here and glory hereafter.

Strengthen this hope, in which I desire to live and die.


My God, because Thou art so good, and because Thou art so good to me, I love Thee with my whole heart. Make me to love Thee ever more and more. For Thy dear sake, I love my neighbour as myself.

Give me grace in this holy love to live and die.


My God, because Thou art so very good, I am truly sorry from my heart that I have sinned against Thee. I have also deserved Thy anger and Thy dreadful punishment. I beg pardon for having sinned against Thy great goodness, and I firmly resolve, by the help of Thy holy grace, not to offend Thee any more, but to avoid all occasions of sin, for the love of Thee.

Strengthen this sorrow and this resolution in my heart every day until I die.

Mary, my dear Mother, and Mother of Jesus, my God and Saviour, take care of me, thy child, this day, and show thyself a mother to me.

Holy Angels of God, and especially you, my dear Angel-guardian, keep me from harm this day.

All ye holy Angels and Saints of God [Here you may mention your Patron Saint, and any other you please], pray for me.

May our Lord bless us and keep us, and preserve us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life; and may the souls of the faithful dead, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Most Holy Child Jesus, save Thy children.