The Little office of the Blessed Virgin Mary/Office of the Dead
For Prayer before the Office of the Dead, see page 22.
On All Souls' Day at Burials, and on some Anniversaries, this Office is of double rite and is said entire; i.e., the Three Nocturns are recited, and the Antiphons are said in full both before and after each Psalm. The Responsory and Versicles following immediately after the Ninth Lesson are omitted, and the second Responsory, Libera me, Domine, de morte, etc., and the Versicles following are said. The Psalm cxiv, Lauda anima, at the end of Vespers, and the Psalm cxxix, De Profundis, at the end of Lauds, are omitted; and the prayer proper to the occasion is said with the long conclusion, Per Dominum nostrum, etc.
On other occasions, but one Nocturn is recited, according to the day of the week; and the first words only of the Antiphons before the Psalms are said, though the Antiphons are repeated entire after the Psalms.
Vespers for the Dead do not follow Matins, but are usually said on the evening of the preceding day, after the Vespers of that day.