The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets/Edward Howard
BRother to the Right Honourable, Sir Robert Howard, and of the Noble Family of Berk-shire, 'tis to be wish'd, that his Friends cou'd either have prevail'd with him to have Publish'd none of his Poetry, or have been less severe upon him, he has Four Plays in Print, viz.
Man of New-Market, a Comedy, 4to. 1678. Acted at the Theatre Royal, but with little Applause.
Six Days Adventure, a Comedy, 4to. 1671. Acted at the Duke of York's Theatre, in Dorset-Garden. This Play met with no good Success.
The Usurper, a Tragedy, 4to. 1668. Acted at the Theatre Royal, by his Majesty's Servants.
Woman's Conquest, a Tragi-Comedy, 4to. 1677. Acted by the Duke of York's Servants, in Dorset-Garden. This Author has written Two Books of Poetry, in 8vo., One call'd, The British Princess; the other, Poems and Essays, with a Paraphrase on Cicero's Lælius; Printed 1675.