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The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets/George Chapman

From Wikisource

This Poet Flourished in the latter part of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. He was received among the formost of the Poetick Writers of that Age, for his Translations, as well as Original Writings. He joyn'd with Ben. Johnson and Marston, in the Composing one Play call'd, Eastward Hoe. He also Translated all Homer, Hesiod, and Musæus, which Works were esteemed well done in that Infancy of Translation: His Plays which follow, are 18 in Number.

All Fools, a Comedy, 4to. 1605. Then accounted a good Play; it is Built on Terence's Heautontimorumenos or Self-Denyer, and was Acted before King James I.

Alphonsus Emperor of Germany, a Tragedy 4to. 1654. Plot from Chron. de Rebus Germanicis, see also Reynolds on the Passions, Wanley's Hist. of Man, Mariana de Reb. Hist. lib. 13. c. 10. Hist. Generale d'Espagne, lib. 12.

Blind Beggar of Alexandria, a Comedy, 4to. 1598. Acted by the Earl of Nottingham, then Lord High Admiral his Servants; this Play is neither divided into Acts nor Scenes.

Bussy d'Amboise, a Tragedy 4to. This hath been presented formerly at St. Pauls, and since the Restauration by the Kings Servants, with good Applause. Plot from the French Chron. Hen. III. Thuanas, Déserres, & Rossets Hist. Trag. de notre temps, (under the names of Lysis and Silvie) Hist. 17. p. 363.

Bussy d'Amboise his Revenge, a Tragedy, 4to., 1613. This Play met not with that Esteem as the former, nor is it founded on so great Truth as the other.

Conspiracy and Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron, Marshal of France, two Plays 4to. 1608. For the Plot which is founded on History, see Davilas Hist. France, Mezeray and other French Chron. in the time of H. IVth of France.

Cæsar and Pompey, a Tragedy, 4to. 1631. Divers are the Authors that have treated on this Story, as Lucan in his Pharsalia, Svetonius in the Life of Julius Cæsar, Plutarch, Vill. Paterculus, Florus, Dion, &c.

Gentleman Usher, a Comedy 4to. 1606. A Play which deserves no great Commendation, and I question whether ever 'twas Acted.

Humorous days Mirth, a Comedy, 4to. 1599. A Play of indifferent Repute, but entituled, A Pleasant Comedy, as it has been sundry times Publickly Acted by the Right Honourable the Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral's Servants.

Masque of the Middle Temple and Lincolns-Inn, 4to. 1614.

This was presented at Court before the King, at the Celebration of the Nuptials between the Palsgrave and the Princess Elizabeth, Mr. Inigo Jones was the Ingineer to order the Machines and Decoration of the Scenes.

May-Day, a Comedy 4to. 1611. Divers times Acted with good Applause.

Monsieur d'Olive, a Comedy, 4to. 1606. This Play was often Acted by her Majesty's Children with good Success.

Revenge for Honour, a Tragedy, 4to. 1654. When the Nursery Acted in Barbican, since the Restauration they sometimes made use of this Play.

Temple, a Masque, 4to. As I Conjecture, may be the same with that before of the Middle Temple, and Lincolns-Inn; Mr. Langbain, nor any other that I could ever learn, having seen any of this Title.

Two Wise Men, and all the rest Fools, 4to. 1619. Mr. Langbain's former Remark on this Play was, that it exceeded in the Number of Acts any Play of what Language whatever. But if he had seen the Spanish Baud, either in the Original, or the Folio Edition in English, he might have found one with three times as many Acts; the Prologue and Epilogue of this Play are both writ in Prose, as was sometimes used in those times: Mr. Chapman's Name not being to the Title of this Play, it's a question whether it be really his, tho' former Catalogues make it so.

Widows Tears, a Comedy, 4to. 1612. Plot from Petronius Arbiter. See also the Ephesian Matron, Printed in 8vo. 1668.

Eastward Hoe, a Comedy, 4to. 1605. This was his but in part, Ben. Johnson and Marston having joyned with him in it; 'twas thought worth the reviving by Mr. Tate, our present Poet Laureat, who gives it the Title of Cuckolds-Haven.