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The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets/John Day

From Wikisource

He liv'd in the time of King James I. was once Student of Gonvile and Caius Coll. in Cambridge, and has Writ Six Plays, (viz.)

The Blind Beggar of Bednal-Green, with the merry Humour of Tom. Stroud the Norfolk Yeoman, a Comedy, 4to. 1659. For the true Story see our English Chronicles in the Reign of King Henry VI.

Humour out of Breath, a Comedy, 4to. 1608.

Isle of Gulls, a Comedy, 4to. 1633. This Play was often Acted in the Black Fryers, by the then Children of the Revels; Plot from Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia.

Law Tricks, or Who would have thought it, a Comedy, 4to. 1608. This Play was also divers times Acted by the Children of the Revels.

Parliament of Bees, with their proper Characters, or (says the Title) A Bee-hive, furnish'd with Twelve Honey-Combs, as pleasant as profitable: This in former Catalogues is accounted a Masque. Printed 4to. 1607. Dedicated to a worthy Gentleman (viz.) Mr. George Butler, who has Writ and Published a Treatise of Bees.

Travels of the Three English Brothers, Sir Thomas, Sir Anthony, and Mr. Robert Shirley, an Historical Play, 4to. 1607. Rowley and Wilkins joined with this Author in Composing this History for the Stage. See Dr. Fuller's Worthies, in his Description of Sussex, p. 107. see also our English Chronicles.