The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets/Joseph Rutter
A Dependant of the Family of the Lord Dorset, and Servant to his Son, and at his Command, translated the Cid of Corneille.
The Cid, a Tragi-Comedy, 8vo. 1637. acted before their Majesties at Court, and at the Cock-Pit in Drury-Lane, by their Majesties Servants; dedicated to Edward, Earl of Dorset, whose Son put his Hand to some part of the Translation from Corneille.
The Cid, Part II. a Tragi-comedy, 8vo. 1640. dedicated to the Lady Theophila Cook. This part was also translated from Corneille, by our Author, at the Command of his Majesty. These Plays are generally bound together, and are founded on History; see Rodeoric de Tolede, and Mariana, &c.
The Shepherds Holiday, a Pastoral Tragi-Comedy, 8vo. 1635. acted before their Majesties at White-Hall, by the Queen's Servants. This is written in Blank Verse, and attributed to our Author by Kirkman, in his former Catalogues, though there is no more than J. R. affixed to the Title Page.