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The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets/Thomas Dogget

From Wikisource

An excellent Comedian, now living, who dealing daily in the Products of Parnassus, found himself inspired with the Vein of Poetry, that has spread so far among his Brothers of the Stage, and has given us a very diverting Play called,

The Country Wake, a Comedy, Acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, by his Majesty's Servants, 1696, 4to. Dedicated to the Illustrious and truly Noble James, Duke, Marquess, and Earl of Ormond, in England and Ireland, &c. This Play was well received, but whether it was owing to the admirable Account of the Author, or his Writing, or to both, I leave to the Reader; that it has Merit, is not to be doubted, nor do I know of any remarkable Thefts from other Plays, unless the imitation of Shakespear's Clowns, in the Character of Hob, which I look on as a praise to Mor. Dgget, and no Fault.