The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets/Thomas Preston
Thomas Preston.
I Know no more of this Author, than that he has writ one Play, called,
Cambyses, King of Persia, a Tragi-Comedy, 4 to. a very ancient Play with an odd, long Title, which runs thus, (viz.) A lamentable Tragedy, mixt full of pleasant Mirth; containing the Life of Cambyses, King of Persia, from the beginning of his Kingdom unto his Death; his one good Deed of Execution, after the many Wicked Deeds, and Tyrannous Murders committed by and through him: and last of all, his odious Death, by God’s Justice appointed. Done in such Order as followeth. London, Printed by John Alde. It is writ in old fashion’d Metre, and has no Date, Plot from Herodotus and Justin.