The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets/Thomas Randolph
Thomas Randolph.
HOughton in Northamptonshire gave Birth, Westminster School, and Trinity Colledge, Cambridge, (where he was Fellow) a learned Education to this Poet. He was an adopted Son of Ben. Johnson; and dyed Young, tho’ his exact Age I know not; he writ these following Plays.
Amintas; or, The Impossible Dowry, a Pastoral, 8 vo. 1688. This was acted before the King and Queen at White-Hall.
Aristippus; or, The Jovial Philosopher, a Tragi-Comedy, 8 vo. 1688. to which is added, The Conceited Pedlar. This was presented in a private Shew.
Hey for Honesty, Down with Knavery, a Comedy, 4 to. 1651. Translated from Aristophanes’s Plautus. This was since augmented and published in 8 vo. by another Hand, (viz.) F. J.
The Jealous Lovers, a Comedy, 8 vo. 1668. This was presented to their Majesties at Cambridge, by the Students of Trinity-Colledge, and has been accounted the best of his Plays, it was revised by the Author in his Life-time, and since reviv’d on the Stage, 1682. It is dedicated to Dr. Comber, Dean of Carlisle.
The Muses Looking-Glass, a Comedy, 8 vo. 1681. before called, The Entertainment. Sir Aston Cockain, and one Mr. Rich, formerly of Christ-Church Colledge, Oxon, have given great Commendation of this Play.
The two first and two last of these Plays are printed at Oxon with his Poems.