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The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament/Index

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Abdias, Historia Apostolica, 63
Abraham, Apocalypse, 16 f., 98; Testament, 16 f.
Adam, Apocalypse, Life, Penitence, Testament, 1 ff.
Agathias, 93
Ambrosiaster, 31
Ammianus Marcellinus, 93
Anastasius of Sinai, xii, 7
Anglo-Saxon fragment of Jannes and Jambres, 32; Salomon and Saturn, 41, 51
Antichrist, description of, 57 ff.; prophecy of, 81, 92
Antony, St., Life of, 67
Aphroditianus, 102
Apocalypse; see Abraham, Adam, Baruch, Daniel, Elijah, Esdras, Moses, Paul, Peter, Zechariah, Zephaniah.
Apocrypha, production of, x; modern, xi
Apollonius of Tyana, 2
Apostolic Constitutions, 16, 54, 83 f.
Apuleius, 33
Arendzen, 58
Ark, Noah's, Legends of, 13 ff.
Armenian Lists of Apocrypha, xiii f.; Gospel of Infancy, 10
Artapanus, 32
Ascension of Isaiah. See Isaiah.
Ascents of James, 102
Asenath, Book of, xiv, 25 f.
Assumption of Moses. See Moses.
Athanasius-Ps., Synopsis, xi f.; Story of Melchizedek, 18
Auxerre Cathedral, 11

Babylon, Tale of, 106
Barbelo, 13
Barnabas, Epistle of; quotes Apoc. of Adam, 1; cited. 101; anonymous quotations in, 88 f.
Baruch, 62, Apocrypha of, 77; fragments, ib.; Apoc. of, 103
Basil, Menology of, 70
Bate, H. N., 90 n.
Bee, Book of the (Solomon of Basrah), 72, 79
Berendts on Zacharias, 74 ff.
Bonwetsch, N., 19, 47, 96
Borborite Gnostics, 7, 8
Bourges Cathedral, 11
Bruyne, D. de, 55
Budge, E. A. W., 74, 86
Burch, V., 31, 84 n.
Burkitt, F. C, 49, 84
Buttenwieser, 60

Caleb, 44, 49
Captivity, story of, 106
Catenae, 46; see Nicephorus.
Cave of Treasures, 4
Cedrenus, G., on Adam, 2; Seth, 9; Moses, 42; Hezekiah, 81; story from, 85
Cham. See Ham.
Charles, R. H., 9, 11, 19, 21, 43, 49 ff., 82 ff.
Chrysostom, John, 61; Ps.-Chr. See Opus Imperfectum.
Clement of Alexandria, on Ham, 15; angels, 27; Moses, 43, 44, 48; Ezekiel, 67, 68; Zephaniah, 72; Hystaspes, 93 f.; anonymous quotations in, 54, 88, 90 ff.

Clement of Rome, Epistle, 39, 68; anonymous quotations in, 87 ff.; story of, 86; second Epistle, 39; anonymous quotations in, 88
Clementine Recognitions, 103
Commodian on Lost Tribes, 103 f.
Cyprian on Baruch, 77
— Penitence of, 33

Dähnhardt, Natursagen, 14
Daniel, Seventh Vision in Apocalypse, 59, 70; Life, Passion, Dream-book, 70; LXX version of, 71
Devil, in the Ark, 14; contends with Michael, 44, 46 ff.
Didymus, 43
Dragon slain by Og, 40 seq.
Durham, MS. at, 95

Eisler, Weltemnantel, 16
Eldad and Medad, Book of, 38 ff.
Elias, Elijah, Apocalypse of, 53 ff., 92; Coptic, 59; Hebrew, 60; legends of, 61
Enoch, Vision of, Armenian, xiv; Book of, 11, 27, 29; secrets of, 18
Ephraem Syrus, extract, 34 ff.
Epiphanius on Adam, 7; Eve, 8; Noah, 12; Moses, 48; Elias, 54; Ezekiel, 64 ff.; Ezra, 80; James, 102
Epiphanius-Ps., Lives of Prophets, 61, 68, 71 f.
Esdras, Apocalypses of, 58, 80, 81; 4 Exodus, 64, 79, 89, 101, 103; Esdras, identical with Salathiel, 79 f.; other Apocrypha, 81
Eve, Gospel of, 8
Evodius of Uzala, 45
Ezekiel, Apocryphal, 40, 64, 87, 89, 93; death of, 69, 75
Ezra. See Esdras.

Fabricius, J. A., ix.
Fandana, 98
Fiebig, Gleichnisse, 66
Fire, intelligent, 90 ff.

Gabriel, 76
Gaselee, S., 17 n., 86
Gaster, M., 51, 56
Gelasian Decree, xiii, 1, 31, 33, 40
Gelasius Cyzicenus, 43, 51
Georgius Cedrenus. See Cedrenus.
— Hamartolus, 86 n.
— Syncellus. See Syncellus.
Germanus of Constantinople, 95
Glycas, Michael, on Prayer of Joseph, 24
Grébaut, S., 57
Gregory Nyssen, 67
Guerrier Abbé, 57
Gushnasp, 79. See Hystaspes.
Gushtasp. See Hystaspes.

Habakkuk, Apocrypha of, 70 f.; legends of, 71
Hall, Isaac, 51
Ham, Prophecy of, 15
Harris, J. Rendel, 62, 81, 88
Hell-torments described, 55 ff.
Hermas, Shepherd of, 27, 38, 88, 91
Hezekiah, Testament of, 81 ff.; legends of, 85
Hilgenfeld, A., 88, 92
Hippolytus; quoted, 54, 92
Hystaspes, Prophecy of, 93 ff.

Infancy, Armenian Gospel of, 10
Irenæus, 63
Isaac, Testament of, 17, 91
Isaiah, Ascension of, 24, 49, 54, 82 ff.; a vision of, 56
Ishmael, R., parable, 66
Isidore, heretic, quotes prophecy of Ham, 15
Issaverdens, translation of Armenian Apocrypha, xiv, 52, 77, 81

Jacob, Testament of, 18, 91; Ladder of, 19, 98 ff.; his wrestling, 22 ff.
James, St., the Great, Acts of, 38, 63
— Ascents of, 102; Book of, 75
Jannes and Jambres, Book of, and Legends of, 31 ff.
Jashar, Book of, 19
Jehudah, R., parable, 66
Jerahmeel, Chronicles of, 56
Jeremiah, Apocrypha of, 62 ff.
Jerome on Elijah, 53; Jeremiah, 62; Zacharias, 75
Jesus. See Joshua.
Jesus Christ, Testaments and Apocalypse, 97 ff.
Joacim, Name of Moses, 48
Joash, Legend of, 77
Job, Testament of, 93 n.
John Baptist, St., Slavonic legend of, 76
John Evangelist, St., spurious Apocalypse, 58 f.
John, Homilies of, 24
Joseph, Prayer of, 21 ff.
Joshua, 44, 49
Joshua ben Levi, Vision, 56
Jubilees, Book of, 12, 19, 29 f., 46, 50
Jude, Epistle, of v, 9; discussed, 46
Justin the Gnostic, 77
Justin Martyr, 30, 31, 63, 81, 94

Katherine, St., Acts of, 33
Kemble, J. M., 52
Kitovras and Solomon, 52
Kmosko, 3

Lactantius on Hystaspes, 94
Lamech, story of, 10
Leptogenesis. See Jubilees.
Levi, Testament of, insertions in, 19 ff.
Life of Adam, 5 ff.
Lightfoot, Bp., 39 f., 103
Lists of Apocrypha, xi ff.
Lost Tribes, the, 103 ff.

Macarius, St., visits tomb of Jannes, 32
Magi, Legend of, 94
Magical Books, 81, 85
Mambres (Jambres). See Jannes.
Manasseh, story and prayer of, 83 f.
Manichæan Apocrypha, 46
Marshall, J. T., 30
Matthew, St., Prophecy addressed to, 59; acts of, 105
Mechithar of Aïrivank, xiii
Melchi, name of Moses, 48
Melchizedek, stories of, 17
Michael, 28; and Moses, 43 ff.
Minucius Felix, 91;
Morin, G., 24
Moscow, MS. at, 96
Moses, Apocalypse of, 42, 51; Assumption of, 27; fragments and reconstruction, 43–51; Testament, 42 ff.; Book of Mystical Words, 51; Eighth Book, 51; Colloquy with God, 51; Sword of, 51; Slavonic Life of, 47; story of Magicians and M., 37 ff.; names of, 48
Mystery Plays, 13, 14

Nau, F., 2, 57
Newcastle Mystery Play, 13
Nicæa, Acts of Council, 43
Nicephorus, Catena of, 43, 45, 50
Nicephorus Homologeta, 81
— Stichometry of, xi ff.
Nicetas of Remesiana, 3
Noah, Books of, 11, 12, 21
Noah's wife, 12 ff.
Noria, wife of Noah, her book, 12 ff.
Norwich Cathedral, 11
Numenius, 33

Og, Book and Legends of, 40 f.

Opus Imperfectum in Matthæum, 10, 69, 82 ff.
Origen on Abraham, 16; Prayer of Joseph, 21 ff.; James, 31; Moses, 43 ff.; Elijah, 53; Jeremiah, 62; Zechariah, 75 f.; the intelligent fire, 90
Orvieto Cathedral, 11

Pagani, 64
Palæa, the, on Moses, 47; Jacob, 96
Papyri, 15, 59
Parables, Rabbinic, 65
Patriarchs, Three, Testaments of, 16; Twelve, Testaments of, see Twelve.
Paul, Acts of, 94; Apocalypse, 69, 73, 74; Epistles of, parallels in Prayer of Joseph, 27 ff.; Apocrypha quoted in, 31, 42, 53, 62
Peeters, P., 10
Penitence of Adam, 1 f.; of Jannes and Jambres, 31; of Cyprian, 33
Persia, Wonders in, 102
Peter, Acts of, 67; Apocalypse, 28, 55, 88, 91, 92
Pherecydes, 15
Philip, Acts of, 69
Philo, Ps.-, 28, 39
Philostorgius, 32, 34, 58
Pirke R. Eliezer, 27, 28, 92
Pistis Sophia, 2, 90
Pliny, 33
Porter, F. C., 26
Prayer of Joseph. See Joseph.
Prayer, titles of books, 25
Pre-existence, 22 ff.
Procopius on Genesis, 23
Prognostics, Books of, 12 n., 81
Protevangelium, 75, 76
Protoplasts, Testaments of, 7
Psellus, Michael, 24

Quæstiones Hebraicæ in Paralipomena, 39
"Queen Mary's Prayer-book," 13, 14
Quotations, Patristic, from Apocrypha, x., 87 ff.

Rabba, Midrash, 27
Raphael, 24
Resch, Agrapha, 54, 87 ff.

Salathiel. See Esdras.
Salomon and Saturn, 41, 52
Samael, 47
Samuel of Ani, xiii.
Sanhedrin, Great, 39
Saphodamuel, Angel, 76
Sarekl, Angel, 28, 97
Sassanidæ, Dispute at the Court of the, 102
Schade, O., 95
Seth, 3, 9 ff.
Severus of Antioch on death of Moses, 45 ff.
Shem, Book of, 12 n.
Sibylline Oracles, xiv, 12, 101
Silvester, St., Acts of, 63
Sixtus Senensis, 18
Sixty Books, List of the, xi f.
Slavonic legends, 14, 76, 108
Sobach, father of Elijah, 69
Solomon, Apocrypha of, 51 ff.; Testament, 28; magical books and cures of, 85. See Solomon.
Solomon of Basrah, 72, 79
Sophonias. See Zephaniah.
Sozomen, 77
Steindorff, 59 ff., 73
Stichometries, xi f.
Strasburg MS., 95
Syncellus, Geo., on Adam, 5 ff.; Moses-apocrypha, 42; Jeremiah-apocrypha, 62, 63

Tablets of Heaven, 23, 29 f.
Tanchuma, Midrash, 27, 39
Tertullian on Adam, 4; Ezekiel, 67; Ascension of Isaiah and Testament of Job, 93 n.; anonymous quotations in, 92

Testaments. See Adam, Protoplasts, Abraham, Twelve Patriarchs, Patriarchs Three, Isaac, Jacob, Job, Jesus
Christ, Moses, Hezekiah.
Testament of the Lord, 57, 101
Testament in Galilee, 57
Testimonia, 31, 84 n., 87, 92
Thackeray, H., 53
Thalkon, Thalkonagargael, 99, 100
Theodotion, version of Daniel, 71
Theosophy, the Tübingen, 95
Timotheus of Constantinople, 40
Titus, Epistle of, 55
Toledo Cathedral, 11
Treves, Latin fragment on Antichrist, 57
Tribes, the Lost, 103 ff.
Tubal Cain, 11
Tübingen Theosophy, the, 95
Twelve Patriarchs, Testaments of the, 19 f., 29 f.

Ulm Cathedral, 95
Uriel, 2, 11, 22, 24, 25, 28, 31, 76

Vajoscha, Midrash, 59
Vassiliev, 47
Vincenti, A. von, 52

Wells Cathedral, 11
Wesselovsky, 106

York, glass at, 69

Zacharias. See Zechariah.
Zahn, Theodor, xiii, xiv
Zechariah in Matt, xxvii, 62; Apocrypha of, 74 ff.; invention of, 77
Zephaniah, Apocalypse of, 72 ff
Zerubbabel, Book of, 59
Zoroaster identified with Baruch, 79
Zosimas, Narrative of, 105
Zouche of Parham, Lord, 51