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The Mahabharata/Book 17: Mahaprasthanika Parva/Section II

From Wikisource

Section II.

Vaiçampāyana said,—"Those princes of restrained souls and devoted to Yoga, proceeding to the north, beheld Himavat, that very large mountain.1 Crossing the Himavat, they beheld a vast desert of sand. They then saw the mighty mountain Meru, the foremost of all high-peaked mountains.2 As those mighty ones were proceeding quickly, all rapt in Yoga, Yājnaseni, falling off from Yoga, dropped down on the Earth.3 Beholding her fallen down, Bhimasena of great strength addressed king Yudhishthira the just, saying,4—'O scorcher of foes, this princess never did any sinful act. Tell us what the cause is for which Krishnā has fallen down on the Earth!'5

"Yudhishthira said,—'She had great partiality for Dhananjaya in especial. She obtains the fruit of that conduct today, O best of men!'"6

Vaiçampāyana continued, —"Having said this, that foremost one of Bharata's race proceeded on. Of righteous soul, that foremost of men, endued with great intelligence, went on, with mind intent on itself.7 Then Sahdeva of great learning fell down on the Earth. Beholding him drop down, Bhima addressed the king, saying,8—'He who with great humility used to serve us all, alas, why is that son of Mādravati fallen down on the Earth?'9

"Yudhishthira said,—'He never thought anybody his equal in wisdom. It is for that fault that this prince has fallen down.'"10

Vaiçampāyana continued,—"Having said this, the king proceeded, leaving Sahdeva there. Indeed, Kunti's son Yudhishthira went on, with his brothers and with the dog.11 Beholding both Krishnā and the Pāndava Sahadeva fallen down, the brave Nakula, whose love for kinsmen was very great, fell down himself.12 Upon the falling down of the heroic Nakula of great personal beauty, Bhima once more addressed the king, saying,13—'This brother of ours who was endued with righteousness without incompleteness, and who always obeyed our behests, this Nakula who was unrivalled for beauty, has fallen down!'14 Thus addressed by Bhimasena, Yudhishthira said, with respect to Nakula, these words:—'He was of righteous soul and the foremost of all persons endued with intelligence.15 He, however, thought that there was nobody that equalled him in beauty of person. Indeed, he regarded himself as superior to all in that respect.16 It is for this that Nakula has fallen down. Know this, O Vrikodara! That, O hero, which has been ordained for a person, must have to be endured by him.'17 Beholding Nakula and the others fall down, Pāndu's son Arjuna of white steeds, that slayer of hostile heroes, fell down in great grief of heart.18 When that foremost of men, who was endued with the energy of Cakra, had fallen down, indeed, when that invincible hero was on the point of death, Bhima said unto the king,19—'I do not recollect any untruth uttered by this high-souled one. Indeed, not even in jest did he say anything false. What then is that for whose evil consequence this one has fallen down on the Earth?'20

"Yudhishthira said,—'Arjuna had said that he would consume all our foes in a single day. Proud of his heroism, he did not, however, accomplish what he had said. Hence has he fallen down.21 This Phālguna disregarded all wielders of bows. One desirous of prosperity should never indulge such sentiments.'"22

Vaiçampāyana continue,—"Having said so, the king proceeded on. Then Bhima fell down. Having fallen down, Bhima addressed king Yudhishthira the just, saying,23—O king, behold! I who am thy darling have fallen down! For what reason have I dropped down? Tell me if thou knowest it!'24

"Yudhishthira said,—'Thou wert a great eater, and thou didst use to boast of thy strength. Thou never didst attend, O Pārtha, to the wants of others while eating. It is for that, O Bhima, that thou hast fallen down!'25 Having said these words, the might-armed Yudhishthira proceeded on, without looking back. He had only one companion, viz., the dog of which I have repeatedly spoken to thee, that followed him now."26