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The Mate's Song

From Wikisource
The Mate's Song

Published in The Pearl

478634The Mate's Song

My Jamie is a lover gay,
He is so very funny.
When last we met to sport and play,
He took me by the cunny.

Then drawing out his sturdy prick,
Right in my hand he placed it,
And said 'twould be a jolly trick,
If in my mouth I'd taste it.

I kissed its bright and rosy head,
And then began to suck it;
He felt about my cunt, and said,
He wanted now to fuck it.

Down on the bed he laid me,
With bursting balls, and prick's round head,
Love's sweetest debt he paid me.

Let maidens of a tim'rous mind
Refuse what most they're wanting;
Since we for fucking were designed,
We surely should be granting.

So when your lover feels your cunt,
Do not be coy, nor grieve him;
But spread your thighs and heave your front,
For fucking is like heaven.