The Melodist/Honest Men and Bonny Lasses
Honest Men and Bonny Lasses.
Written by a young Lady in Aberdeen.
Honest men and bonny lasses,Honest men and bonny lasses,Lang may we live and happy be,Wi’ honest men and bonny lassos.
Green are the fields, and fair the flowers,How bright the sun that o'er us passes!But douf and dowie were a’ these,If nae honest men and bonny lasses.Honest men, &c.
Gude’s noblest work’s an honest man,A bonny lass befar’s the fairest;Of a’ that’s dear in Nature’s plan,A female fair to me’s the dearest.Honest men, &c.
How blest and happy is the man,His days and nights can ne’er seem dreary,Who has a steady honest friend,And a bonny lassie for his deary.
Honest wives that were braw lasses,Honest wives that were braw lasses,Lang may we live, and happy be,Wi’ honest wives that were braw lasses.
If fields are green, and flowers are fair.If bright the sun out-o'er us passes,We married fouks enjoy a' theseWi' honest wives that were braw lasses.Honest wives, &c.
Let younkers sing o' lasses braw,Our days and nights creep on fu' canny,United to a female friend,Wha brings ilk year an arle-penny.Honest wives, &c.
If wi’ a friend we get a drap,And on the morn our beads' are dizzy,Altho’ they gi’e a woe bit gloom,To bring relief their hands are bizzy.Honest wives, &c.