4309042The Melodist — The True British SailorAnonymous
The True British Sailor.
Jack dances and sings, and is always content,In his vows to his lass he’ll ne’er fail her,His anchor’s a-trip when his money’s all spent,And this is the life of a Sailor.
Alert in his duty, he readily fliesWhere the winds the tir’d vessel are flinging;Tho’ sunk to the sea-gods, or toss’d to the skies,Still Jack is found working and singing.
Longside of an enemy, boldly and brave,He'll with broadside on broadside regale her,yertie’ll sigh to the soul o’er that enemy’s grave,So noble's the mind of a Sailor.
Let the cannons roar, burst their sides let the bombs,Let the winds a dread hurricane rattle, The rough and the pleasant he takes as it comes,And laughs at the storm and the battle.
In a fostering power while Jack puts his trust,As Fortune comes, smiling he’ll hail her;Resign’d still & manly, since what must be must;And this is the mind of a Sailor.
Tho’ careless & headlong, if danger should press,And rank’d ’mongst the free list of rovers,Yet he'll melt into tears at a tale of distress,And prove the most constant of lovers.
To rancour unknown, to passion no slave,Nor unmanly, nor mean, nor a railer;He’s gentle as mercy, as fortitude brave;And this is a true British Sailor.