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The Modern Art of Taming Wild Horses/Chapter 16

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The Modern Art of Taming Wild Horses
by John Solomon Rarey
Chapter 16: The Kind of Bit, and how to accustom a Horse to it
207069The Modern Art of Taming Wild Horses — Chapter 16: The Kind of Bit, and how to accustom a Horse to itJohn Solomon Rarey


You should use a large, smooth, snaffle bit, so as not to hurt his mouth, with a bar to each side, to prevent the bit from pulling through either way. This you should attach to the head-stall of your bridle, and put it on your colt without any reins to it, and let him run loose in a large stable or shed some time, until he becomes a little used to the bit, and will bear it without trying to get it out of his mouth. It would be well, if convenient, to repeat this several times, before you do anything more with the colt; as soon as he will bear the bit, attach a single rein to it, without any martingale. You should also have a halter on your colt, or a bridle made after the fashion of a halter, with a strap to it, so that you can hold or lead him about without pulling on the bit much. He is now ready for the saddle.