The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick/The Life and Acts of St. Patrick/Chapter 130

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The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick
by James O'Leary
The Life and Acts of St. Patrick by Jocelin, translated by Edmund L. Swift
Chapter CXXX: Euchodius is cursed by the Saint, and his Son is blessed
180160The Most Ancient Lives of Saint PatrickThe Life and Acts of St. Patrick by Jocelin, translated by Edmund L. Swift
Chapter CXXX: Euchodius is cursed by the Saint, and his Son is blessed
James O'Leary

Euchodius is cursed by the Saint, and his Son is blessed.

A certain wicked tyrant, named Euchodius, reigned in Ulydia; and he commanded two holy virgins, for that they rejected wedlock, to be bound with chains and cast into the water; and he set at naught Saint Patrick interceding for them. Wherefore the saint punished him with the sentence of his malediction, and foretold that not one of his seed should reign after him, but that his kingdom should be transferred to Kerellus, his younger brother. And his wife, who was then in travail, earnestly besought the saint that he would bless her and the child which she carried in her womb. Then the saint blessed them both, and prophesied that she would bring forth a most holy son, whose death should be doubtful and unsearchable. And the woman brought forth a son, who was named Dovengardus; and he was renowned for his sanctity and his miracles, whereof many and wondrous traditions are told among that people. And Euchodius in a short time lost both his life and hit kingdom, and thereto not one of his race succeeded. But his aforementioned brother and his descendants through many years possessed the kingdom of Ulydia.