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The Musical Charmer/I'll prie yere bonny Mou' Lassie

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4309611The Musical Charmer — I'll prie your bonny Mou' LassieAnonymous

I’ll prie your bonny Mou’, Lassie.

Come gie’s a kiss, my bonny lass,and lean upon my bosom O,Or wi' yere sweet lips prie the glass,’twill taste like roses’ blossom O:Tho’ seated ’mang an unco hiveo’ blythsome chiels for drinkin’ O,Wha wi’ the cap and noggie striveto drown their cares and thinkin’ O,
CHORUS.I’ll prie yere bonny mou, lassie,weel ye wi' a warmin’ kiss,For nane but you, my true lassie,can bestow sie charmin’ bliss:This a’ my dower a heart fou’ leal,a random gift at rhymin’ O;A mind that’s made to think an’ feel,nor at my lot repinin’ O.
A loving wish to mak’ you mine,a saul which love you dearly O :Sae ye may mak’ my lairdship thine,I've tauld them a’ sincerely O.I’ll prie yere bonnie mou’ lassie. Sae sang I to my bonnie maid,and pried her lovely sippie O;her rosy cheek to mine I laid,and took the tither sippie,While wobster Jock, wi’ gloomie glow,bang't up the mutchkin pinkle O;And when I kiss'd her trysted flow’r,he daint it in the ingle O.I’ll prie yere bonnie mou', lassie.
His bardship at the ingle sat,wi’ musin potions dizzy,Gae thro’ Pegasus’ wings a keeks,my stars! a bonnie lizzie O.He sware by Heliconian spring,nae mair to mount Pegasus O;His fancy soar'd on higher wing,among the bonnie lasses O.I'll prie yere bonnie mou’ lassie.
A hame-spun loon, wi’ bonnet blue,the gill-stoup was caressin’ O.Cries, Wow the warld's turn'd, I trow,for sin is grace embracin' O!A tough-tried saunt, O Cameron-race,gaz'd wi' true gospel-rapture O.And cries, My bairn o' gifts o' grace,ye con a bonnie chapter O I'll prie yers bonnie mou' lassie.
My thrillin' heart wi lovin' beat,against my breast gade thumpin' O! My bluid arous’d wi’ genial heat,in flowin’ tides ran jumpin’ O.Her een like starnes set in blue,her face sae mildly bloomin’ O,Her tender smile sie wite craft threw,wad nature s self illumine O.I’ll prie yere bonnie mou’ lassie.
Tho’ tough frae nature’s quarry torn,nor polish’d by instruction O,Maun bide tire touts o’ learnin’s horn,and College-taught correction O.I hae a saul and dauntin’ heart,whae’er was the creator O,That soars aboon tire setter’d art,to gifts ne’er gien by nature O.I’ll prie yere bonnie mou lassie,
Tho’ now my youthfu’ bluid be warm,O raven’s wing my tresses O,And fancy still has power to charma sigh frae ‘mang the lasses O,I'II store up a’ my love for thee,and press you to my bosom O;Your wisdom blossom will pleasure me,when (illegible text)il(illegible text) has cropt yere blossom O,l’ll prie yere bonnie mou’ lassie.