How pleasant the banksof the clear winding Devon,With green spreading bushes,and flow'rs blooming fair!But the bonniest flow'ron the banks of the Devon,Was once a sweet budeon the braes of the Air.
Mild be the Sunon this sweet blushing flower,In the gay rosy mornas it bathos in the dew;And gentle the fallof the soft verdant shower,That steals on the evening,each leaf to renew.
O spare the dear blossom,ye orient breezes,With chill hoary wing,as ye usher the dawn;And far be thou distant,thou reptile, that seizestThe verdure and prideof the garden and lawn.
Let Bourbon exultin her gay gilded lillies,And England, triumphant,display her proud rose;A fairer than eitheradorns the green vallies;Where Devon, sweet Devonmeandering flows.