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The National Anthems of the Allies/France

From Wikisource
For other versions of this work, see La Marseillaise (Rouget de Lisle).
2240784The National Anthems of the Allies — La Marseillaise1917Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle (words and melody), Florence Attenborough (translator), Gustave Ferrari (harmony)

La Marseillaise
The French National Anthem
English Words by
Florence Attenborough

\relative c'' {
    \new Voice = "anthem" {
       \omit Score.BarNumber
       \key g \major
       \partial 2
       r8 d,8 d d
       g4 g a a
       d4.( b8) g8. g16 b8. g16
       e4 c'2 a8 fis8
       g2 r4 g8. a16
       b4 b b << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown c8.( b16) } \\ { c8.[ b16] } >>
       b8[( a)] a4 r4 << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown a8( b) } \\ { a8[ b] } >>
       c4 c c << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown d8.( c16) } \\ { d8.[ c16] } >>
       b2 r4 << { \autoBeamOff d8 d } \\ { d4 } >>
       d4 b8[( g)] d'4 << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown b8( g) } \\ { b8[ g] } >>
       d2 r8 d8 d fis
       a2 c4 a8 fis
       g4 g f2
       e4 g8 g g4 << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown fis!8( g) } \\ { fis8[ g] } >>
       a2 r4 r8 a8
       bes4. bes8 a bes c d%last note causes an error
    \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
      \set associatedVoice = #"anthem"
        \set stanza = \markup {\italic "1. "}
        \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
        Al8 -- lons, en -- fants4 de la pa -- tri2 -- e,8.
        Le16 jour8. de16 gloire4 est2 ar8 -- ri -- vé!2
        \skip4 Con8. -- tre16 nous4 de la ty8. -- ran16 -- ni4 -- e
        \skip4 L'é8 -- ten -- dard4 san -- glant est8. le16 -- vé,2
        \skip4 L'é8 -- ten -- dard4 san -- glant est8 le8 -- vé!2
        \skip8 En8 -- ten -- dez -- vous2 dans4 nos8 cam -- pa4 -- gnes
        Mu2 -- gir4 ces8 fé -- ro4 -- ces8 sol -- dats?2
        \skip4. Ils8 vien4. -- nent8 jus -- que dans nos
    \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
      \set associatedVoice = #"anthem"
        \set stanza = #"1. "
        A8 -- rise, ye chil4 -- dren of the na2 -- tion,8.
        The16 day8. of16 glo4 -- ry2 now8 is here!2
        \skip4 See8. the16 hosts4 of dark op -- pres -- sion,
        \skip4 Their blood -- stained ban -- ners rear,2
        \skip4 Their4 blood -- stain'd ban -- ners rear!2
        \skip8 Do8 ye not heed?2 roar4 -- ing8 the ty4 -- rants go,2
        Scat4 -- ter8 -- ing homes4 and peace;2
        \skip4. Our8 sons,4. our8 com -- rades face the
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
       \key g \major
       \partial 2
        r8 d,8 d[ d]
        <b d g>4 q <d fis a> q
        <d g b d>4. <d g b>8 <b d g>8.[ g'16] <d g b>8.[ g16]
        <c, e>4 <c e a c>( <c d fis c'>) << { a'8 fis } \\ { <c d>4 } >>
        <b d g>4 q q <b g'>8. <d a'>16
        <g b>4 q q <a c>8. <g b>16
        <g b>8 <fis a> q2 q8 <g b>8
        <d a' c>4 q q <fis d'>8.[ c'16]
        <d, g b>2. <d d'>8[ q]
        <d b' d>4 b'8[ g] q4 b8[ g]
        d8[ d16 d] d8[ d] d[ d d fis]
        << { a2 c4 a8[ fis] } \\ { <d fis>4 q <c fis> <c d> } >>
        << { g'2 f } \\ { <g, d'>4 q <b d> q } >>
        << { e4 g8[ g] g4 fis!8[ g] } \\ { c,4 <c e> <a cis> q } >>
        <d fis a>2. r8 a'8
        << { bes4. bes8 a[ bes] c[ d] } \\ { <d, g>4 q q q } >>
      \new Staff {
        \clef "bass"
        \key g \major
        \partial 2
        <g,, g'>4 q <d d'> q
        <g, g'> q <g' g'> q
        <c, c'> q <d d'> q
        <g g'> b8.[ d16] g4 r4
        g, b d g
        d, fis a d
        d, fis a d
        g, b8.[ d16] g4 r4
        <g, g'>2 q
        <d d'>2. r4
        <c c'>4 q <a a'> q
        <b b'> q <g g'> q
        <c c'> q <ees ees'> q
        <d d'> q q r4
        d g bes d

\relative c'' {
    \new Voice = "anthem" {
      \omit Staff.TimeSignature
      \omit Score.BarNumber
      \key g \major
      a2 r4 << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown bes!8( a) } \\ { bes8[ a] } >>
      g4 g \slurDown g8([ bes)] << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown a8( g) } \\ { a[ g] } >>
      \partial 2.
      g( fis)~ fis2~
      \repeat volta 2 {
      \partial 4
      r8. d'16
      \autoBeamOff d2~ d8 d8 b8 g8
      a2. r8. d16
      d2~ d8 d8 b8 g8
      a2. d,4
      g2 r4 a
      c2 d4 e
      a,2. e'4
      d2~ d8 b8 c8 a8 
      \partial 2.
    \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
      \set associatedVoice = #"anthem"
      \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
      bras2 \skip 4
      É8 -- gor -- ger4 vos fils, vos8 com -- pa4 -- gnes2
      \skip 8. Aux16 ar2 -- -8 mes,8 ci -- toy -- ens!2.
      \skip 8. For16 -- mes2 __ \skip 8 vos8 ba -- tail -- lons 2.
      Mar4 -- chons,2 \skip 4 mar4 -- chons!1
      Qu'un2 sang4 im -- pur2. A4 -- breu2 -- -8 ve8  nos sil -- lons!2.
    \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
      \set associatedVoice = #"anthem"
      The4 wounds4 of war in -- crease.2.
      \skip 8. To16 arms!2 __ \skip 8
      Ye8 war -- riors all!2.
      \skip 8. Your16 bold2 __ \skip 8 bat8 -- tal -- ions call!2.
      March4 on,2 \skip4 ye4 free!1
      Death2 shall4 be ours,2. Or4 glo2 -- -8 rious8 lib8 -- er8 -- ty!2.
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        \key g \major
        <<d2. fis a>> bes8 a
        <<cis,4 g'>> <<cis, g'>> << { \voiceOne \stemDown cis,4 cis4 <d a> <d a> <d a>} \new Voice { g8[ bes] a[ g] g[ fis] fis2} >> % using two voices to fix stem up not working
        r8. <<d16 d' \f>>
        <<d,2~ b'~ d~>> <<d,8[ b' d>> <<d, b' d>> <<d, a' c>> <<g] d b>>
        <<a2. d fis a>> r8. <<d,16 d'>>
        <<d,2~ b'~ d~>> <<d,8[ b' d>> <<d, b' d>> <<d, a' c>> <<g] d b>>
        <<d2. fis a>> d,4
        <<b2. d g>> <<d4 fis a>>
        <<d,2. g b>> r4
        <<c,2 g' b>> <<d,4 g b d>> <<e, g e'>>
        <<d,2. fis a>> <<fis4 a e'>>
        <<g,2~ b~ d~>> <<g,8 b d>> <<g, b>> <<a c>> <<d, fis a>>
        <<b,2. d g>>
      \new Staff {
        \key g \major
        \clef bass

2. Nous entrerons duns la carriére,
Quand nos ainés n'y seront plus.
Nous y trouverons leur poussiére,
Et la trace de leurs vertus! (bis)
Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre,
Que de partager leur cercueil,
Nous aurons le sublime orgueil
De les venger on de les suivre.
Aux armes, citoyens! etc.

3. Amour sacré de la Patrie,
Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs;
Liberté, Libertié, chérie,
Combats avec tes défenseurs! (bis)
Sous nos drapeaux que la Victoire
Accoure tes males accents;
Que tes ennemis expirants
Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire!
Aux armes, citoyens! etc.

2. Within the tomb ourselves must enter,
When all our oldest are at rest;
We shall find their dust reposing,
Trace the virtues each possest; (bis)
Then, then shall we, jealous of honour, yet
Shrink not to share their grave,
For pride, o'ercoming vain regret,
Avenges still the brave!
To arms, ye warriors all! etc.

3. That sacred love — the love of country,
Spurs on afresh our eager arms,
And for conquest and for freedom,
We dare the vast alarms! (bis)
Speedily then, crowning heroic deeds,
Triumph shall lift each head
And our One Flag fly proudly o'er
The living and the dead!
To arms, ye warriors all! etc.