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In this work the author of "The Power of Silence." "Living by the Spirit," and other volume of essays on the inner life. has undertaken a systematic study of the higher nature of man in relation to the divine presence. The Spirit is defined as God in action, in immediate reference to experiences with which every man is familiar: the divine presence is said to be immanent in all departments of human life. In contrast with the agnosticism of the day. emphasis is placed upon what man knows instead of upon that of which he is doubtful. The result is an illuminating study of the life of feeling, the emotions, intuition. guidance, faith, and reason. The central clue is found in "the witness of the Spirit," that is, the evidences which every man wittingly or unwittingly possesses of the co-operative life of the Spirit, working in and through him. There is a careful analysis of spontaneity, receptivity, and inner promptings of all kinds, and of the entire immediate side of man’s nature as opposed to the intellectual or critical side. Nevertheless the results of the critical philosophy are constantly taken into account, and in a supplementary essay on Hegel's Logic, Dr. Dresser makes good the practical part of his argument by reference to Hegel's fundamental analysis of immediacy. As a whole, the book is a direct appeal to immediate,verifiable experience, in contrast with all speculative systems. it is constructive throughout and will greatly aid those who are in search of a positive, rational faith, in comparison with previous works by this author, the book marks a great advance in thought and in literary style. A Physician to the Soul Crown 8vo $1.00 net
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