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The New Art of Memory/Chapter 1

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4704188The New Art of Memory — Principles1813Gregor von Feinaigle



The memory may be compared to a warehouse[1] stored with merchandise. A methodical arrangement of the contents of such a repository, enables its owner to find any article that he may require, with the utmost readiness. With a general knowledge of the contents of a library, and of the manner in which the books are distributed, a person may, even when absent from the spot, determine, with certainty, the situation of any particular book.[2] "Medallists," says Mr. Addison,[3] "upon the first naming of an emperor, will immediately tell you his age, family, and life. To remember where he enters in the succession, they only consider in what part of the cabinet he lies; and by running over in their thoughts such a particular drawer, will give you an account of all the remarkable parts of his reign." If our ideas were arranged with equal method and order, the mind would turn to them, with the like facility.

Sensible objects have a powerful effect in recalling to the mind the ideas with which it was occupied when those ideas were presented. Thus the sight of any remarkable scenes in the course of a second journey, will frequently remind a person of the subject of which he was thinking or talking when he last travelled that road; or, to adopt the elegant language of Mr. Foster.[4] "Places and things which have an association with any of the events or feelings of past life, will greatly assist the recollection of them. A man of strong associations finds memoirs of himself already written on the places where he had conversed with happiness or misery. If an old man wished to animate, for a moment, the languid and faded ideas which he retains of his youth, he might walk with his crutch across the green where he once played with companions who are now probably laid to repose in another spot not far off. An aged saint may meet again some of the effects of his early piety in the place where he first thought it happy to pray. A walk in a meadow, the sight of a bank of flowers, perhaps even of some one flower, a landscape with the tints of autumn, the descent into a valley, the brow of a mountain, the house where a friend has been met, or has resided, or has died, have often produced a much more lively recollection of our past feelings, and of the objects and events which caused them, than the most perfect description could have done."

Indeed, it will be found upon investigation, that locality is the most efficacious medium of reminiscence: and that system of memory will be the most serviceable, which brings this principle into the most extensive operation. For this reason, locality (or, the connection of our ideas with places) is made the foundation of the present system. In this respect, it is analogous to the scheme of Mnemonics practised by the antients, but it is here applied much more extensively and advantageously than it was by them.

A room having generally four walls, the most obvious division of it is, into four sides, and each wall or side may be subdivided into pannels or compartments. Accordingly, the antient system divided a wall into five spaces. Thus, suppose the letter M to be represented on a wall as under:

Five spaces are thus gained in the places marked by the figures 1, 2, etc. Every wall of the room was, in imagination, divided in this manner; and this plan was applied to as many rooms as were found necessary to the extent of each particular scheme—every room being similarly divided into four sides,—and every side being subdivided into five compartments. Thus, any idea which, according to this method, had been associated in the mind with the forty-eighth compartment, would be placed in the third compartment of the second wall, in the third room. But as few compartments could be obtained on each wall by these means, the calculation of high numbers would be exceedingly difficult. Το remedy this defect, each wall might be divided into nine or ten compartments, thus:

If a wall be divided into nine parts, there will be 36 compartments in every room. In order to ascertain the situation of any particular number, it is to be considered in relation to the total number of the subdivisions. For example, if the situation of number 48 be required; according to the last mentioned division of the rooms, it is to be found by considering the proportion which that number bears to 36, the total number of the compartments in this arrangement. If the number in question be less than this total, the place inquired after will be obvious; thus 12 being within the number 36, must, of necessity, be in the first room: being above 9, it is equally clear that it cannot be on the first wall, and being less than 18, it must, necessarily, be on some part of the second wall: and as it exceeds the number of the first wall by 3, it follows, of course, that its place must be in the third compartment of the second wall. If the number in question be higher than the number of the compartments in one room, its place will be readily found by dividing it by that number. Thus, suppose 48 to be the number whose place is required:

36 ) 48 ( 1.2
9 ) 12 ( 1.2

As 48 exceeds 36, we know that it cannot be in the first room, the 1 is therefore changed into 2; and the fraction remaining, shows it to be in the twelfth compartment. There being nine compartments on every wall, this remainder, or number of the compartment, is divided by 9, for the purpose of ascertaining the wall. Now, as the divisor is contained more than once, but not twice, in the dividend, it follows that the compartment sought must be on the second wall; the remainder gives the specific compartment. This operation, then, shows that 48 is in the third compartment, on the second wall, in the second room. This was the plan adopted by the antients when they divided their rooms into parts; but being both complicated and difficult, it has been rejected in the present system, and another scheme has been introduced in its place, which is more simple in its construction—less difficult in its application—and much more extensive in its powers.

We shall now proceed to explain the mode of dividing a room according to the New System of Memory, and to develop the principles of the art. It is, however, necessary to premise, that the pupil must not attempt too much at first, but should proceed gradually in the acquisition of this system; for his ultimate success in it will greatly depend upon a perfect knowledge of the first principles.[5] As in mathematics no problem can be demonstrated without understanding all the preceding demonstrations,—so every advance in this art, must be grounded on the full possession of all the antecedent doctrines.

We shall divide a wall in the following manner:

The figures are arranged from left to right, in the usual manner of writing; and for the more easily remembering their situation, it will be found that if two lines be drawn diagonally, from the four corners of the figure, they will intersect all the odd numbers. (See Plate I. fig. 1.) There is now a single wall divided into nine squares or compartments; these we shall name places, and say, the first place, second place, third place, etc. etc.

The same mode must be pursued with the three remaining walls in this room; by these means, for walls are obtained—each being divided into nine places. In order to find the number 36 in this room, we should naturally say four times nine will be 36, and should, of course, conclude that 36 would be in the last place of the last side or fourth wall of the room: but this calculation is erroneous; 6 must ever be in the same situation, which will be that occupied by the point in the following figure:

The place occupied by the number 6, in all the four walls, would be thus designated:

It must now be determined how we are to reckon these walls: if we stand in a room with our back to the windows, the first wall is on our left, the second before us, the third on our right, and the fourth behind us. We shall, however, commence with the floor, and divide it into nine parts in the same manner as the walls. Where are 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. to be placed? Every decade begins a new series, and the decimal is placed on the cieling of the room over its proper wall; thus, the first decimal, or 10, will be over the first wall; the second decimal, or 20, will be over the second wall; the third decimal, or 30, will be over the third wall; the fourth decimal, or 40, will be over the fourth wall; the fifth decimal, or 50, as its tenth part exceeds the number of walls, will be assigned to the cieling of the room, and will consequently be the highest number in the first room, forming the connecting link between this room and the second.


As one room will not supply us with sufficient numbers, a second room must be provided. The floor of the second room is denominated the fifth wall, the wall on the left, the sixth; the wall before us, the seventh; that on our right, the eighth; and the one behind us, the ninth; and as the number 50 was upon the cieling of the first, so the number 100 will be upon the cieling of the second room.



Numbers, probably, originated from holding up the fingers of the hand thus: | , | | , | | | , | | | | ; five was made by holding up the thumb and little finger, with the other fingers down, thus thumbVfinger forming the numeral V; six was made by erecting another finger and continuing the former position; thus VI and VII, VIII and VIIII, in the same way, by adding a finger each time: ten was formed from two fives, thus, making X.

The learner should now exercise himself in finding the situation of the different numbers in the two rooms. Where, for example, are 29, 47, 35, 21, 62, 82, 99, etc. The room must be first ascertained; as to this there can be no difficulty, for as 50 is the lesser number in the first room, all the numbers exceeding 50, and as far as 100, will be found in the second room.

Having found the room, the left hand figure will denote the wall, and the right hand figure will show the place; thus, 29 is in the first room, second wall, and ninth place; 47, fourth wall, seventh place; by cutting off the left hand figure, the numerical order of the wall is given, and the remaining figure acquaints us with the place.

In order to remember a series of words, they are put in the several squares, or places, and the recollection of them is assisted by associating some idea of relation between the objects and their situation; and, as we find by experience, that whatever is ludicrous, is calculated to make a strong impression upon the mind, the more ridiculous the association the better. Being provided with two rooms, we will take the floor of the first room, and place something in each of the nine squares. In illustration of this experiment, sensible objects will be given, as the association of ideas between them and the places is most striking.

The ideas of these images must be connected together, and it will then be almost impossible to forget the order in which they are arranged. The first is an apple, the second a monkey; this monkey takes the apple, eats, and offers it to the man who is in the third place; the man is just going to embark on along voyage, and for this purpose a ship will be in the fourth place; but he will smoke his pipe before he leaves his native country;—pipe is in the fifth place;—and when he has finished smoking, he calls for his night-cap, which will be found in the sixth place; before he retires to rest, he wishes for another tankard of ale; tankard occupies the seventh place. In the morning when this man awakes, a boat is ready to convey him to the ship; this boat is in the eighth place; a tree is found in the ninth place—it shall be a willow-tree, and must grow by the water-side, on the very identical bank from which the man embarks in the boat. Any different objects may be taken promiscuously, and the connection made between them, at the moment, as chance or fancy bids. The chief use of this example is to induce a habit of fixing certain objects in a regular order, that we may always know where to find them. For this purpose the pupil should exercise himself in the numerical situation of the different objects, and be enabled to determine it quickly.

The floor and the walls are localities on which the figures and words must be arranged, in the several places or squares, in the order above described. Were a series of twenty-six figures to be taken, for instance, the following:

7 9 2 0 7 9 2 6 3 1 4 5 2
8 7 9 6 5 7 8 9 6 4 3 1 4

Or a series of consonants thus:

f l l m n g m f p r s t r s r n

(Full many a gem of purest ray serene.)

or any other series of figures, or consonants, it would be found very difficult to remember them. The figures, and the letters, are merely signs of signs, and cannot easily be fixed in the memory; the understanding having no exercise. The elements of words must, therefore, be sought for Dr. Grey changed figures into letters, and thus made words; but these words could not be fixed in the memory without constant repetition, and strenuous application; the different words required to be remembered in his Memоria Technica, being almost equally burthensome with the facts and dates which they were intended to imprint upon the memory. The mode of changing figures into letters was known long before the time of Dr. Grey. The substitution of letters for figures was practised by most antient nations; in the Hebrew and Greek languages, there are no arithmetical signs, but the letters of the alphabet are used in their place. Shopkeepers and others, from an early period, had been in the habit of marking the articles which they had to sell, with certain letters, as arbitrary symbols, for the prices in pounds, shillings, and pence.

We now take the consonants, and attach one or more to the series of figures, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0; each figure having its appropriate consonant. (See Plate I. fig. 2. The consonants only are resorted to, for they compose, like the skeleton of the human body, the principal parts; the vowels are but the ligaments.

The letters appropriated to the figures are not merely arbitrary, but are adapted as nearly as possible to the form of the figures.[7]

t, like the figure 1, is a perpendicular, or down stroke, and differs only from it, in the addition of the small horizontal line drawn across the upper part of it; t is more like the figure 1, than any other consonant, if perhaps, we except the letter l. An additional reason for assigning the letter t to 1 is, that it occurs in the word unit.

n, is the appropriate letter to represent 2, there are two down strokes in it.

m, furnishes us with three down strokes, it will then give the idea of 3: if we place a 3 thus 3, it will form a tolerable outline of the letter m.

r, is to represent 4: r when written, (See Plate I. fig. 2.) resembles somewhat a 4. The letter r occurs also in our word four; in the German fohr; in the Dutch vier; in the Latin quatuor; in the French quatre; in the Spanish and Portugueze, quatro; in the Italian quattro; in the Greek τέσσαρες; in the Russ, chetyïre; and in a variety of other languages.

The English L was borrowed from the Romans; they had it from the Greeks, and they again from the Hebrews, whose lamed is much like our L, excepting that the angle is somewhat more acute. L was used as a numerical letter for fifty, and may, therefore, be assigned to the figure 5. d, in writing is the reversed form of this figure. (See Plate I. fig. 2.)

c, k, g, q. The figure 7, with as light curvature, may be made to resemble a crooked stick, and as we shall remember this stick the better, if something be hung upon it, a cage shall be suspended there. In the word cage we obtain the consonants c and g; k also is added to the number for c is more frequently pronounced hard (ka) than it is soft (se); q being a gutteral and a crooked letter, shall go along with the cage and the stick. For the figure 7 there are then c, k, g, and q.

b, h, v, w. In the figure 8 there are two noughts, or two round things: these may be converted into beehives, and if one be placed upon the other, there will be a tolerably accurate idea of the figure 8. In the word beehive, are obtained b, h, v; and w may be added, for it is compounded of vv.

p, f. The figure 9 is not unlike a pipe, and as a pipe is seldom used without a puff of smoke issuing from it, we have the p and f in these two words; they are inseparably connected, and cannot easily be forgotten.

s, x, z. The 0 being a round body, it may be compared to a wheel or grinder in a mill; this wheel, when in swift rotation, gives out a hissing sound, and the hissing consonants s, x, z, are attached to the cipher. x is formed from two half circles; and z is the first letter of the word zero.

These letters, and the figures which they are intended to represent, should be impressed strongly upon the memory, as the letters must be converted into words, by the introduction of vowels

The two consonants representing two figures must be converted into a word, to which should be affixed some striking idea; and the images represented, connected together. The objects when selected, each being a word, must be arranged in the different places, beginning with the floor, and proceeding to the first, second, and third walls, etc. In making these words, it is necessary that the two consonants required should be the two first in the word; if there be more than two it is of no importance, as the two first only will be needful. It will not be difficult to make a perfect figure from the skeleton we have just seen.

Floor of the First Room.

First Wall of the First Room.

A bat is seen flying after a mouse, which shelters itself under a cap, stuck full of needles. There is some mutton for dinner, and a roll to eat with it. The tub and soap shew that it is washing-day; the servants playing with the children and their doll, have forgotten to boil the cabbage and the pudding. As a compensation for this loss, a large bottle of rum is produced. By this method, it will be easy to commit to memory a long series of figures, to repeat them backwards or forwards, to name the first, fourth, fifth, eighth, etc. or to say how many fours, fives, noughts, etc. are contained in the series.

The converting of figures into letters, and making sense by the introduction of vowels, will be found applicable to many of the purposes of common life. If we purchase any articles, and would remember the measure or weight of them, and thus prevent fraud in the shop-keeper, it is only necessary to change the figures into a word or words, and connect them with some strange or ludicrous idea. Should we buy 32 yards of cloth, muslin, etc. it is easy to say, that a man brought home the cloth, and the measure is given to us: if 30 lbs of cheese, a mouse that had been gnawing the cheese, would fix the weight immediately. The number of a hackney-coach, or of a house may be preserved in the same manner. The purposes in domestic life to which this system is applicable, are almost infinite, and need no further specification.

We have already learned to divide a room into parts, as the floor and walls,—to subdivide these into places,—to change figures into letters,—and to form words; and, by these means, to remember series of figures, or of things. It would be a material advantage to us, to have some fixed or certain rooms: we may take, for instance, those with which we are best acquainted, and fix the different places upon the various articles of furniture, as a chair, a chest of drawers, etc. What we have learned, hitherto, is not sufficient: as yet, an intellectual order only has been obtained; numbers have been localised, but there is still a deficiency,—the realities are wanting.

If the reader has practised our instructions in a room in which he is accustomed to spend the greater part of his time, and this room should have been hung with pictures, engravings, or plans, or ornamented with busts, etc. he will have been very materially assisted in the remembrance of his places, or localities. We can, after a little practice, ascertain the order of different things placed in a room which we have long frequented. The transition is slight, but the impression will be permanent. Let us fill the squares or places with some pictures of our own drawing: the two rooms will be then furnished, and it will be as easy to remember the symbols, or hieroglyphics, as to remember the situation or place of any picture, or article of furniture in a room. Instead of having a carpet on the floor, we can suppose that the floor is inlaid or constructed of mosaic. This will allow us to put symbols there.

The outlines of the symbols are intended to represent, as accurately as possible, the various figures in the two rooms, so that they may be permanently fixed in the memory. (See Plates II. and III.) And here we dismiss the pupil for a season, giving a general hint, that it will be advisable to make himself perfectly familiar with the situations of the different symbols, before he thinks of looking into the next chapter. Until a knowledge of these symbols be obtained, no further progress can be made in the system. It is, at least, indispensably necessary, that the pupil should answer with facility to any questions put to him respecting the first room, containing fifty symbols; the second room may be acquired at leisure.

Is it better to replace this image?

The following are the names attached to the different symbols:

First Room.

  1. Tower of Babel.
  2. Swan.
  3. Mountain, or Parnassus.
  4. Looking-glass.
  5. Throne.
  6. Horn of Plenty.
  7. Glass-blower.
  8. Midas.
  9. Flower, or Narcissus.
  10. Goliath, or Mars.
  11. Pillars of Hercules.
  12. David with the Lion.
  13. Castle, or Nelson's Monument.
  14. Diogenes, or Watchman.
  15. Æsculapius, or Serpent.
  16. Ceres, or Gleaner.
  17. Archimedes, or Carpenter.
  18. Apollo.
  19. Robinson Crusoe.
  20. Peacock.
  21. Vaulter, or Rider.
  22. Cockfighting.
  23. Pegasus.
  24. Elephant.
  25. Sancho Panza.
  1. Charioteer.
  2. Don Quixote.
  3. Pack-horse.
  4. Standard-bearer.
  5. Sysiphus.
  6. Cupid.
  7. Diana.
  8. Clouds, or Sky.
  9. Noah's Ark.
  10. Curtius.
  11. Hermitage.
  12. Miner.
  13. Moses.
  14. Vesuvius.
  15. Pleasure Garden.
  16. Monument.
  17. Golden Calf.
  18. State Bed.
  19. Piano-Forte.
  20. Bajazet.
  21. Fountain, or Square.
  22. Vulcan.
  23. Apis.
  24. Orange-Trec.
  25. Bacchus.

Second Room.

  1. Pigmalion.
  2. Jupiter.
  3. Neptune.
  4. Toilette, or Penelope.
  5. Fleet.
  6. Guitar Player.
  7. Conjurer.
  8. Orpheus.
  9. Samson.
  10. Still.
  11. Bagpipes.
  12. Phœnix.
  13. Temple of Glory.
  14. Fame.
  15. Schoolmaster.
  16. Tents.
  17. Mutius Scævola.
  18. Mercury.
  19. Mausoleum.
  20. Lottery, or Fortune.
  21. Saturn.
  22. Centaur.
  23. Pedlar.
  24. Thresher.
  25. Garden Engine.
  1. Gardener.
  2. Mowers.
  3. Pagan Priest.
  4. Direction-Post.
  5. Apothecary.
  6. Cymbal-Player.
  7. Trojan Horse.
  8. Actæon.
  9. Cabriolet.
  10. Europa.
  11. Brewer.
  12. Hunter.
  13. Bullfighting.
  14. Hercules.
  15. Burning-Glass.
  16. Tantalus.
  17. Hawker, or, Sportsman.
  18. Golden Fleece.
  19. Lime-Tree.
  20. Shepherd.
  21. Cap of Liberty.
  22. Solomon.
  23. Trophy.
  24. Avenue.
  25. Justice.

Is it better to replace this image?

  1. Memory is, as it were, the storehouse of our ideas; for the narrow mind of man not being capable of having many ideas under view and contemplation at once, it was necessary to have a repository to lay up those ideas, which at another time it might make use of. Lock on the Human Understanding, vol. 1. p. 111.
  2. The well known anecdote of Magliabechi, librarian to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Cosmo III. will suffici- ently illustrate and confirm this fact. The Grand Duke having asked Magliabechi whether he could procure a book that was particularly scarce, he replied, 'no, sir, it is impossible, for there is but one in the world, that is in the Grand Signior's library at Constantinople, and is the seventh book on the second shelf, on the right hand side as you go in.'
  3. Dialogue upon the usefulness of ancient Medals, pp. 21, 22, 12mo. 1726.
  4. Essays, p. 12. For a very pretty illustration of this subject, see also Spectator, No. 417.
  5. Assumendus usus paulatim, ut pauca primum complectamur animo, quæ reddi fideliter possint: mox per incrementa tam modica, ut onerari se labor ille non sentiat, augenda usu, et exercitatione multa continenda est, quæ quidem maxima ex parte memoria constat.—Quinct. Inst. Orat. lib. X. Opera, tom. II. p. 253. Ed. Bipont. 1784.
  6. Floor or fifth wall.
  7. Dr. Grey who assigned both vowels and consonants to figures, in a manner perfectly arbitrary, has the following effect:
    a e i o u au oi ei ou y
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
    b d t f l s p k n z

    Here a and b stand for 1, e and d for 2, i and t for 3, etc.