The New International Encyclopædia/Alexander, John White
ALEXANDER, John White. (1856—). An American portrait and figure painter, born in Allegheny City, Pa. He was a pupil at the Royal Academy in Munich, and also studied under Frank Duveneck, with whom he went to Italy. Returning to New York in 1881, he soon attained the highest rank as a figure and portrait painter. Besides numerous portraits in European and American collections, his works include the portrait of Walt Whitman (Metropolitan Museum, New York), "The Pot of Basil" (Boston Museum), "In the Café" (Philadelphia Academy). "La Femme Rose" (Carnegie Gallery, Pittsburg), "The Green Bow" (Luxembourg, Paris), and six large mural decorations in the Congressional Library. Washington. It is the decorative quality in his works which first arrests attention; they have a quality of distinction and a marked effect of chiaroscuro.