The New International Encyclopædia/Braun, August Emil
BRAUN, August Emil (1809-56), A German archæologist, born in Gotha. He studied in Göttingen, Munich, and Berlin. With Gerhard he went to Rome in 1833, and in a short time was made librarian, and subsequently secretary to the Archæological Institute. Later he founded there a galvano-plastic establishment, from which issued many reproductions of antique art objects and casts of modern works. Among his many valuable works on art may be mentioned Il giudizio di Paride (1838); Kunst vorstellungen des geflügelten Dionysos (1839); Griechische Götterlehre (1851-55); Vorschule der Kunstmythologie (1854), translated into English by Grant (1856); and an admirable guidebook, Die Ruinen und Museen Roms (1854), translated into English, 1855.