The New International Encyclopædia/Coimbatore
COIMBATORE, kō̇-ĭm′bȧ-tōr′, or KOIMBATUR, kō̇-ĭm′bȧ-to͞or′ (Telugu, also Koiampadi, Koibmutur, Koiamuturn) . A city in Madras, British India, capital of the district of the same name, situated near the left bank of the Noyel, a tributary of the Kavery, in latitude 11° N., longitude 77° 1′ E. (Map: India, C 6). It lies 304 miles southwest of Madras, with which it is connected by rail. It occupies the south declivity of the Nilgiri, 1483 feet above the sea, and has a cool and healthful climate. The adjacent low-lying plains, however, are malarious and dangerous to health. The suburban Pagoda of Perur is an important archæological structure. Population, in 1891, 46,400; in 1901, 53,000.