
The New International Encyclopædia/Fredericq, Paul

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Edition of 1906. See also Paul Fredericq on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

683638The New International Encyclopædia — Fredericq, Paul

FREDERICQ, frắ'de-rḗk, Paul (1850—). A Flemish historian, born at Ghent. He was educated at Liège, and was appointed to the chair of history at Arlon, Liège, and Ghent, where he became a prominent leader of the national movement for the extension of the Flemish language, customs, and laws. His numerous works, which are distinguished by scholarly research and clearness of exposition, include: De Nederlanden onder Keizer Karel, vol. i. (1885); Verzameling van stukken betreffende de pauselijke en bisschoppelijke Inquisitie in de Nederlanden (1889-96); and Onze historische volksliederen van voor de zestiende eeuw (1894).