
The New International Encyclopædia/Gasparin, Agénor Etienne, Count de

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Edition of 1905. See also Agénor de Gasparin on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1309518The New International Encyclopædia — Gasparin, Agénor Etienne, Count de

GASPARIN, gȧ'spȧ'răN', Agénor Etienne, Count de (1810-71). A French statesman and author, son of Count Adrien Etienne Pierre de Gasparin (1783-1862), born at Orange. In 1836 he entered the Cabinet of his father, then Minister of the Interior, as chief of a department, became master of requests in the Council of State in 1837, and in 1842 was elected to the Chamber of Deputies from Bastia in Corsica; but he failed of reëlection in 1846, and put all of his enthusiasm into his written work. He wrote on the separation of Church and State, Les intérêts généraux du protestantisme français (1843), and Christianisme et paganisme (1846); on the abolition of slavery, Esclavage et traite (1838); Un grand peuple qui se relève (1861); and L'Amérique devant l'Europe (1862); on the reform of home life, La famille (1865); La liberté morale (1863); La conscience (1872); and L'ennemi de la famille (1874); and in connection with the Franco-German War, La déclaration de guerre, un protêt (1870); La république neutre d'Alsace (1870); and Appel au patriotisme et au bon sens (1871). From 1849 until his death he lived at Geneva. Consult: Naville, Le Comte Agénor de Gasparin (Geneva, 1871); Borel under the same title (2d ed., Paris, 1879); Bar Fey-Boisier, La Comtesse Agnes de Gasparin et sa famille; correspondance et souvenirs, 1813-1894 (2 vols., Paris, 1902).