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The New International Encyclopædia/Köberle, Georg

From Wikisource

Edition of 1905. See also Georg Köberle on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

946021The New International Encyclopædia — Köberle, Georg

KÖBERLE, kẽ'bẽr-le, Georg (1819-98). A German author and dramatist, born at Nonnenhorn. He studied at the gymnasium at Augsburg; was sent to the Collegium Germanicum at Rome, but ran away from that institution and studied at Munich. At Leipzig (1846) he published his Aufzeichnungen eines Jesuitenzöglings im deutschen Kolleg in Rom, which created a sensation, and which he followed up (1870) with Deutsche Antwort auf welsche Projekte: Enthüllungen über die Palastrevolution im Vatikan. He is better known for his plays, Des Künstlers Weihe, Zwischen Himmel und Erde, Max Emanuels Brautfahrt, George Washington, and Die Heldin von Yorktown, which were published mostly between 1840 and 1853. He lived at Heidelberg (1853-56) as theatrical manager. On the publication of his Theaterkrisis im neuen deutschen Reich (1872), he was appointed manager of the royal theatre at Karlsruhe. After 1873 he lived at Mannheim, Vienna, and Dresden, and wrote: Meine Erlebnisse als Hoftheaterdirektor (1874); Berliner Leimruten und deutsche Gimpel (1875); Der Verfall der deutschen Schaubühne und die Bewältigung der Theaterkalamität (1880); Brennende Theaterfragen (1887); and Das Drangsal der deutschen Schaubühne (1890).