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The New International Encyclopædia/Klöden, Karl Friedrich von

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Edition of 1905. See also Karl Friedrich von Klöden on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

706688The New International Encyclopædia — Klöden, Karl Friedrich von

KLÖDEN, klẽ'den, Karl Friedrich von (1786-1856). A German educator, historian, and geographer. He was born at Berlin and got his education with difficulty while he was working with a goldsmith, learning engraving and giving lessons. In 1817 he was made director of the normal school at Potsdam, and seven years afterwards of a commercial school in Berlin. His most important work was geographical; besides his maps of Europe, mention should be made of Grundlinien zu einer neuen Theorie der Erdgestaltung (1824) and Landeskunde von Palästina (1816). His historical works include: Ueber die Entstehung, das Alter and die früheste Geschichte der Städte Berlin und Kölln (1839); Lebens- und Regierungsgeschichte Friedrich Wilhelms III. (1840); and Die Quitzows und ihre Zeit (3d ed. 1889). Consult his Jugenderinnerungen Karl Friedrichs von Klöden (Leipzig, 1874).